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Family Business Review

Family Business Review

Journal of the Family Firm Institute

eISSN: 17416248 | ISSN: 08944865 | Current volume: 37 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: Quarterly

Published as a refereed journal since 1988, Family Business Review (FBR) is the leading scholarly publication devoted exclusively to exploration of the dynamics of family-controlled enterprise, including firms ranging in size from the very large to the relatively small. FBR is focused not only the entrepreneurial founding generation, but also on family enterprises in the 2nd and 3rd generation and beyond, including some of the oldest companies in the world. In addition, the journal publishes interdisciplinary research on families of wealth, family foundations and offices. The journal covers areas such as but not limited to the following:

  • Succession planning
  • Impact of family dynamics on managerial behaviors
  • Estate and tax planning
  • Liquidity issues
  • Financial management
  • Generation and gender issues
  • Internationalization and Globalization of family enterprises
  • Organizational structures
  • Strategic planning and organizational changes in family firms

In order to continually expand the topical reach of the field and FBR, the editorial team is particularly interested in and encourages submissions using different theoretical and empirical lenses to examine the following topics that deeply impact family enterprises around the world:

  • Advising and advocacy of family firms
  • Heterogeneity and differences between family enterprises – public vs. private firms, large vs. small etc.
  • Behavioral issues related to family enterprises such as trust, loyalty, conflict, identity, goals, values, motivation, commitment, leadership, emotions
  • Addiction in family firms
  • Family dynamics influencing family enterprises
  • Family roles and relationships
  • Law & family business
  • Non-economic and economic outcomes
  • Philanthropy and the family enterprise

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

All issues of FBR are available to browse online.

Family Business Review (FBR) provides a scholarly forum to publish conceptual, theoretical and empirical research aimed to advance the understanding of family enterprise around the world. FBR publishes insightful articles that address issues at the interface of family and business systems. It is not tied to any particular discipline, methods, or topics.

Published since 1988, Family Business Review is an SSCI listed refereed journal devoted exclusively to exploration of the dynamics of family enterprise. Its interdisciplinary forum captures the insights of professions from diverse fields such as accounting, behavioral sciences, entrepreneurship, finance, management, family business and family wealth consulting, law and public policy.

Click this link for resources for authors, award winning papers, and recent review articles

Evelyn Micelotta University of Vermont, USA
Donald O. Neubaum Florida Atlantic University, USA
Associate Editors
Keith H. Brigham University of Oklahoma, USA
Cristina Cruz Serrano IE Business School, Spain
Josh Daspit Texas State University, USA
Alfredo De Massis IMD Business School, Switzerland and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
Peter Jaskiewicz University of Ottawa Telfer School of Management, Canada
Nadine Kammerlander WHU Otto-Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Josip Kotlar Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mattias Nordqvist Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Philipp Sieger University of Bern, Switzerland
Matthias Waldkirch EBS Universität, Germany
Social Media Editor
Sara Davis Kennesaw State University, USA
Advisory Editorial Board
Michael Carney Concordia University, Canada
James J. Chrisman Mississippi State University, USA
W. Gibb Dyer Jr. Brigham Young University, USA
Eileen Fischer York University, Canada
Luis Gomez-Mejia Arizona State University, USA
R. Duane Ireland Texas A & M University, USA
G. T. Lumpkin University of Oklahoma, USA
Leif Melin Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
Danny Miller HEC Montréal, Canada
Becky Reuber University of Toronto, Canada
Pramodita Sharma University of Vermont, USA
Shaker Zahra University of Minnesota, USA
Past Editors
Review Board
Jan-Philipp Ahrens University of Mannheim, Germany
Matt Allen Northwestern University, USA
Thomas H. Allison Texas Christian University, USA
Unai Arzubiaga University of the Basque, Spain
Kevin Au Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Yannick Bammens Maastricht University, Netherlands
Frank Barbera Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Sami Basly University of Paris Nanterre, France
Fabian Bernhard EDHEC Business School, France
Cristina Bettinelli University of Bergamo, Italy
Joern Block Universität Trier, Germany
Tim Blumentritt Kennesaw State University, USA
Isabel C. Botero University of Louisville, USA
Jasper Brinkerink University of Edinburgh, UK
Chris Broberg Wichita State University, USA
Sarah Burrows Queen's University in Kingston, Canada
M. Katiuska Cabrera-Suarez Universidad de Las palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Andrea Calabrò IPAG Business School, France
Giovanna Campopiano University of Bergamo, Italy
Donella Caspersz The University of Western Australia, Australia
Erick Chang Arkansas State University, USA
Hsiang-Lan Chen National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Francesco Chirico Macquarie University, Australia
Jess H. Chua Unviersity of Calgary, Canada
Hsi-Mei Chung I-Shou University, Taiwan
Alessandro Cirillo University of Naples, Italy
Eric Clinton Dublin City University, Ireland
Andrea Colli Bocconi University, Italy
Christina Constantinidis ESG UQAM, Canada
Rafel Crespí-Cladera Universidad des les Illes Balears, Spain
James H. Davis Utah State University, USA
Alexandra Dawson Concordia University, Canada
Bart Debicki Towson University, USA
Julia DeGroote WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Dianna Dempsey MacEwan University, Canada
Cinzia Dessi University of Cagliari, Italy
Rocki-Lee DeWitt University of Vermont, USA
Clay Dibrell University of Mississippi, USA
Marleen Dieleman IMD Business School, Switzerland
Kimberly A. Eddleston Northeastern University, USA
Paula Englis Berry College, USA
Robert Evert US Air Force Academy, USA
Hanqing "Chevy" Fang Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Patrick Raymund James Garcia Macquarie University, Australia
Elena Giovannoni University of Birmingham, UK
Luca Gnan Università degli studi di Roma Torvergata, Italy
Sanjay Goel University of North Dakota, USA
Ana Gonzalez Grand Valley State University, USA
Chris Graves The University of Adelaide, Australia
Vipin Gupta California State University, San Bernardino, USA
Walter Hendriks Hasselt University, Belgium
Josh Wei-Jun Hsueh Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
David Jiang Elon University, USA
Ranjan Karri University of Illinois, Springfield, USA
Franz W. Kellermanns University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
Alexander Kessler WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Dmitry Khanin University of New Mexico, USA
Roland E. Kidwell Florida Atlantic University, USA
Oskar Kowalewski IÉSEG School of Management, France
Rania Labaki EDHEC Business School, France
Eddy Laveren University of Antwerp, Belgium
Isabelle Le Breton-Miller HEC Montreal, Canada
Max Leitterstorf Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany
Yan Ling Oakland University, USA
Rebecca Long Mississippi State University, USA
Kristen Madison Oklahoma State University, USA
Raj Mahto University of New Mexico, USA
Curtis Matherne The University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Pietro Mazzola IULM University, Italy
Alexander McKelvie Syracuse University, USA
Benjamin D. McLarty Rowan University, USA
Michele Medina-Craven Mississippi State University, USA
Esra Memili University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Nava Michael-Tsabari Tel Aviv University, Israel
Alessandro Minichilli Bocconi University, Italy
Vincent Molly KU Leuven, Belgium
Curt Moore Oklahoma State University, USA
Ken Moores Bond University, Australia
Donata Mussolino University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Mervi Niskanen University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Pankaj Patel Villanova University, USA
John Perry Wichita State University, USA
Torsten M. Pieper University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Shameen Prashantham China Europe International Business School, China
Amedeo Pugliese University of Padua, Italy
Mia Raynard University of British Columbia, Canada
Melanie Richards TUM School of Management, Germany
J. Kirk Ring Louisiana Tech University, USA
Paul Robson Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Matt Rutherford Oklahoma State University, USA
Carlo Salvato Bocconi University, Italy
Andrea Santiago Asian Institute of Management, Philippines
Shruti Sardeshmukh University of South Australia, Australia
Elke Schroeder Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany
William Schulze University of Utah, USA
Salvatore Sciascia LIUC Università Cattaneo, Italy
Jeremy S. Short University of North Texas, USA
Ritch L. Sorenson University of St. Thomas, USA
Lloyd Steier University of Alberta, Canada
Tensie Steijvers Hasselt University, Belgium
Alex Stewart Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Lori Tribble Trudell Clemson University, USA
Elmarie Venter Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Wim Voordeckers Hasselt University, Belgium
Justin W. Webb University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Zhenyu Wu University of Manitoba, Canada
Kai Xu University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Andy Yu University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA
Thomas Zellweger University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
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  • Scopus
  • Small Business Resource Center
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)

    FBR is open to many different formats and styles of presentation, as long as the article is focused on issues at the interface of family and business systems.

    Please follow the guidance below when preparing your manuscript for submission:

    1. Articles accepted, published, or submitted for publication consideration elsewhere, cannot be submitted to FBR for publication consideration.
    2. Authors should notify any prior online or in-print distribution of their articles upon submission, including any distribution as a conference paper or working paper.
    3. Manuscripts should not be more than 40 typed double spaced pages, all inclusive, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch (2.5 cms) margins.
    4. All documents submitted should be Microsoft Word files. Please remember to number the pages and use APA guidelines.
    5. Two documents are to be submitted:

    CONTACT INFORMATION DOCUMENT that includes the following:

    1. Title of the article
    2. Names and primary affiliations of the author(s)
    3. Authors' telephone numbers and e-mail addresses
    4. An abstract of no more than 100 words
    5. A maximum of 5 key words indicating content of the article

    MAIN DOCUMENT that includes the following:

    1. Title of the article
    2. An abstract of no more than 100 words
    3. A maximum of 5 key words indicating content of the article
    4. Article - Text, References, Figures, Tables, Appendices (max. 40 double spaced pages all inclusive).
    5. All Figures and Tables should be placed at the end of the document, one per page, numbered consecutively (one series for tables, one for figures). The position of each table should be indicated in the text (e.g., “Insert Table 2 about here”)

    PLEASE NOTE: To facilitate the anonymize review process, please ensure that information about authors does not appear in the MAIN DOCUMENT.

    6. For publication consideration in FBR, please submit manuscripts to the editor electronically online at


    Authors are responsible for obtaining necessary written permission from publisher or copyright holder for reproduction of figures and tables and for extensive text quotations. If an article contains material reproduced from other sources, the necessary written permission must accompany the manuscript.



    Citations in the text are by author(s) name/s followed by year in parenthesis. The reference list should be typed alphabetically using the following style:


    Journal Article

    Barnes, L.B. (1988). Incongruent hierarchies: Daughters and younger sons as company CEOs, Family Business Review, 1(1): 9-21.



    Gersick, K.E., Davis, J.A., McCollom-Hampton, M., & Lansberg, I. (1997). Generation to Generation: Life cycles of the family business. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.


    Chapter in an edited book

    Memili, E., Eddleston, K.A., Zellweger, T.M., Kellermanns, F.W., & Barnett, T. (2010). The importance of looking toward the future and building on the past: entrepreneurial risk taking and image in family firms. In A.Stewart, G.T.Lumpkin, & J.A.Katz (Eds.), Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth: Entrepreneurship and Family Business (Volume 12, pp. 3-29). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.


    Selection of articles for publication is made by the Editor who relies primarily on the recommendations of the Associate Editors, members of the Editorial Review Board and other qualified reviewers using a double ‘anonymize’ review process. Reviewers’ comments are made available to the authors. The recommendation letter of the editor responsible for each manuscript and all reviews received are made available to the reviewers.




    Submissions considered inappropriate for the journal’s mission or insufficiently developed will be returned to the authors without going through the formal review process. All decisions are final.

    To increase their chances of going through the review process and publication, authors are strongly recommended to seek peer review prior to submitting their manuscripts to FBR. The editorial by Justin Craig on ‘Desk Rejection’ (FBR 2010, December issue, 23(4): 306-309) shares in some detail the process used by FBR for desk rejections and strategies authors can use to avoid it.



    Authors of accepted manuscripts will be sent an email prompting them to log in to Manuscript Central and sign a copyright form granting the publisher the right to copyedit, publish, and copyright the material.




    FBR editors are responsible for reviewing the copyediting for each issue and will only contact authors if clarification is needed. Copyedited manuscripts will not be returned to authors.


    Since 2009, the following policy has been in place:

    * The Editor-in-Chief will not publish any article during his/her term. Exceptions are editorials, annual reviews, and introduction to special issues co-edited by this individual.

    * All other members of the editorial team may submit their articles for publication consideration in FBR during their term as associate / assistant editors. The submitted papers will be subjected to the usual anonymize peer review process and outcome determined by the reviewers / action editors reactions.

    For additional information on submissions to FBR, please email the FBR team at


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    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

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