Group Activities for Families in Recovery
- Joan Zimmerman - Appalachian State University, USA
- Jon L. Winek - Appalachian State University, USA
December 2012 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Group Activities for Families in Recovery offers therapists a wealth of activities designed to help families struggling with addiction address problem areas of functioning, and ultimately shift from dysfunctional patterns to healthy living. Written by expert practitioners in family-oriented substance abuse treatment programs, this text focuses on group therapy as a key component to treatment.
Beginning with a brief overview of the issues involved in working from a systemic family therapy perspective of addiction, the text discusses practical guidelines for working with families in groups and how to best utilize the exercise in the book. The collection of 30 group activities are suitable for a variety of family-oriented substance abuse treatment groups. They are divided into seven sections covering the key issues of:
1. Family Structure
2. Family Identity
3. Sober Fun
4. Toward Health
5. Anger Management
6. Healthy Communication
7. Parenting
The activities are varied and include topics presented through expressive arts (drawing, writing, acting), game-playing, problem solving, enactments, worksheets, and roleplaying. The activities can be used individually, incorporated into another program, or stand alone as a 16-week (or longer) program. They can also be adapted for use in groups where children or present, or for adult-family groups.
Beginning with a brief overview of the issues involved in working from a systemic family therapy perspective of addiction, the text discusses practical guidelines for working with families in groups and how to best utilize the exercise in the book. The collection of 30 group activities are suitable for a variety of family-oriented substance abuse treatment groups. They are divided into seven sections covering the key issues of:
1. Family Structure
2. Family Identity
3. Sober Fun
4. Toward Health
5. Anger Management
6. Healthy Communication
7. Parenting
The activities are varied and include topics presented through expressive arts (drawing, writing, acting), game-playing, problem solving, enactments, worksheets, and roleplaying. The activities can be used individually, incorporated into another program, or stand alone as a 16-week (or longer) program. They can also be adapted for use in groups where children or present, or for adult-family groups.
Part 1: Introduction
Whole and Parts
Everyone is impacted
Learn from listening and watching
Child Focus
Healthy caring not enabling
Families and Substance Abuse – A Brief Overview
Family ‘Esprit de Corps’ (collective 'sense of self')
Part 2: Structure of Family Group For Families With Substance Abuse
Dual diagnosis
Session length
Process and Structure of Therapy
Avoiding resistance
Locus of control from external to internal
Confidentiality, legal and ethical issues
Working With Expressive Arts
Working With Blended and Diverse Families
Group leadership
Part 3: The Curriculum
Curriculum Section 1: Family Structure
1-1 Family Roles
1-2 Impact of Addiction on Family
1-3 How We Experience our Family
1-4 Family Cycles & History
Curriculum Section 2: Family Identity
2-1 Family Identity I: Who We Think We Are
2-2 Family Identity II: Structure
2-3 Family Identity III: Who We Feel We Are
2-4 Family Drawing
Curriculum Section 3: Sober Fun
3-1 Family Fun
3-2 Playing Together
Curriculum Section 4: Towards Health
4-1 Healthy Helping
4-2 Doing It Differently
4-3 Relationships I – Healthy or Unhealthy?
4-4 Relationships II – Choosing a Relationship
4-5 Relationships III – Stages In Relationships
4-6 Private or Secret?
4-7 Families in Recovery I
4-8 Families In Recovery II
4-9 Healing Families
4-10 What Could Be Better?
4-11 Rebuilding Trust
4-12 Building Life-Long, Healthy Supports I
4-13 Building Life-Long, Healthy Supports II
4-14 Spirituality
4-15 Rules in Families
Curriculum Section 5: Anger
5-1 Anger in My Family
5-2 Strategies to Manage Anger
5-3 Conflict in My Family
5-4 Making Arguing Work
Curriculum Section 6: Communication
6-1 Working Together
6-2 Assertive Communication
6-3 What We Haven’t Said
6-4 Our Different Experiences
6-5 Do You Hear Me?
6-6 We Are Grateful
6-7 Resentments – Taking Back the Power
Curriculum Section 7: Parenting
7-1 When Daddy Drinks
7-2 What About the Kids?
7-3 What Do We Tell the Kids?
7-4 Consequence With Empathy