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It is a whistlestop tour covering a wide range of topics. However, there are plenty of references for further reading. The book could be helpful as an introduction to the basic CBT skills.
'One of the real strengths of the book is that Fuggle and colleagues are honest about the kinds of dilemmas and challenges that are likely to arise in adapting CBT techniques developed for adults to work with children and young people, and they emphasise the ways in which systematic practice (with parents/carers and school staff being recruited as co-therapists where appropriate) is likely to be important, if not critical, for successful outcomes.
'The timely arrival of this book enables it to make an important contribution to the CBT field for practitioners working with children. Nationally, there has been increasing emphasis on the need to support children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties with a need to train more professionals to work with them. This book provides a valuable resource for this purpose. It is neatly divided into 4 parts that places CBT with children into a wider context.
This is a really helpful introductory text for people working with children and adolescents. Some nice examples within and reference to core CBT skills and how these are used is really helpful.
A very good overview of CBT and how to use it in practice with children, young people and families.
A very detailed book of CBT with children, young people and families.
Very well written with relevant chapters especially grounding the book in developmental and cultural aspects first. Liked the suggested exercises-easy to navigate through the text
A useful book exploring how to work with children, young people and families using the CBT model of therapy.
Excellent contextual book for my CYP trainees
I think this is an excellent book for undergraduate students. The analysis of CBT is clear and comprehensible to students with no background in psychology.
This is essential reading for any post graduate psychology student to understand how CBT can be implemented in the therapy programs when working with children, young people and families. There are clear guidelines on how to prepare for sessions and what possible dilemmas to expect. The many creative ideas includes the use of puppets, television soaps etc. makes this book invaluable for the anyone starting out with CBT but also provide new ideas to CBT therapist working with families. Excellently contextualised.
Excellent up to date text re this approach. Very useful for students and practitioners and families wanting to know more.
Extremely helpful text.
An essential read for those involved in working from a cognitive perspective with children young people and their families.
Really useful for students new to this approach and those starting out.
Easy to read with an appropriate level of practical application and theory.
Great for beginner - intermediate levle of CBT.
Excellent, down to earth overview of the use of CBT with children. I like the use of case material to illustrate the theoretical concepts, especially using the same three cases throughout the book. I also like the further reading at the end of chapters. This is useful especially for students as they write essays. The book is well set out and written in an accessible style.
This is an accessible, well organised book which would help students who need an understanding of the main intervention offered to children and young people. The case studies and mini transcripts are very helpful allowing students to apply theory to practice.
Very nice introduction - included on recommended reading list
A very good book for supplematary reading.
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