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Rowe calls for an exploration of the processes of racialization, with a particular focus on how the concepts of race and crime, in various contexts, circumstances and times, have developed, been utilized and applied to make sense of the social world. For Rowe, the concepts of race and crime have real implications as both ‘are real in their consequences’...This book provides a constructive way forward for the study of race and crime.
In a short review, I cannot do justice to the treasury of such nuggets supporting subtle arguments in these 300 pages - well charted in every sense. But if you have ever wondered about what happens when business meets academia but never dared to find out yourself, this would be a great place to start.
In this wide-ranging and ambitious book, Michael Rowe has managed the difficult feat of being both scholarly and accessible. He provides a critical and thought-provoking analysis of criminology's long-standing and problematic relationship to questions of race and ethnicity, and, drawing on a range of resources from the local to the global, argues convincingly that criminology should attend more closely to the harms to minority groups that result from the crimes of the powerfulDavid SmithLancaster University
Throughout this compelling and comprehensive book, Mike Rowe boldly confronts society's persistent blurring of the difference between race and ethnicity. The author eloquently illustrates the issues surrounding ethnicity and crime, the feelings of isolation and shame, vulnerability, and a myriad of relevant topics. This is a must-read for all students who are studying race, crime and victimisation.
An impressive book. It provides wide ranging coverage on a range of important issues connected to race and crime. An impressive overview is provided which draws upon an extremely wide literature base - and offers multiple perspectives and interpretations.
This is an excellent text that provides a detailed, accessible and up-to-date overview and analysis of the criminological material on race, ethnicity and crime. I think that the theoretical and historical chapters are of particular use for UG students, and it is a really helpful text for the race & ethnicity segment of our module
An excellent book which I am strongly recommending to students on two modules
This is an excellent competitor for the US textbooks in the same tradition, and also for the long-used Bowling & Philips book on 'Race' and Crime in the UK. The context which it gives to the experience of BME people in the UK and abroad of the 'race'-crime nexus is superb. It is the key text my students will go to in the coming year.
Good core reading for criminal justice undergraduates.
A well written book, suitable for my level 4 and 5 students on the Foundation degree in Policing studies
This excellent, timely and invaluable text book will be recommended to students on various modules at Level 4. It provides an in-depth analysis of the subject and will develop an appreciation from the student once read. It is a book to pick up and read instead of one which can make this subject unreadable. thank you.
Still considering other titles for challenging module but this will be a key addition
A long over due text that offers an original exploration of the main issues and concerns relating to the race, crime and justice debate.
A refreshing, detailed, critical, thought-proviking and accessible approach
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