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"The Hoshmand book covers a wide range of literature on multiculturalism and makes an important provocative contribution to the field. The writing style reflects the complexity of multicultural topics as a positive feature, demonstrated in many specific examples."
“Lisa Hoshmand has drawn together an outstanding group of critically aware mental health practitioner(s)…from widely divergent cultural experiences--Feminist, post-modern, holistic health, existential, Buddhist, Hawaiian. Faculty and students wishing to discover what it means to be a culturally situated, and morally and spiritually informed, counseling and psychotherapy practitioner will find this volume to be a virtual goldmine of insights and recommendations.”
“Culture, Psychotherapy, and Counseling: Critical and Integrative Perspectives is a must reading for all mental health professionals and for students in counseling and psychotherapy courses. Both separately and as a collection, the book's chapters position culture as a central determinant of health and healing, and sensitize the reader to the absolute necessity of understanding the powerful spectrum of cultural forces that shape human relationships in general, and therapeutic encounters specifically.”
"Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand implicitly extends this metaphoric concept of circle to the meaning of culture in the counseling and therapy process. Her vision of a circle of life is based on an integrative understanding of culture as embedded in human experience in all of its facets."
"In this volume, Hoshmand and her contributors both explicate and perform a much broader understanding of what culture is, and of the ways in which it inescapably does (and should) influence psychotherapeutic and counseling theory and practice. . . Virtually all of the chapters blend personal history, theoretical reflection and clinical material in interesting ways that enhance the reader’s appreciation of the many contexts that surround and infuse the therapeutic encounter.
An interesting book, excellent supplemental information to broaden subject knolwedge.
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