Marketing Management
A Customer-Centric Approach
- Fred Selnes - BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
- Even J. Lanseng - BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
After delving into market dynamics, customer behaviour, and market communications, you'll explore the three main areas within marketing management: customer portfolio management, product portfolio management, and brand portfolio management. Finally, you'll gain insights into developing marketing/business strategies and plans for success through comprehensive analysis, resource allocation, budgeting, and measuring key performance indicators.
Features include case studies to bring theory to life, further reading suggestions to expand your understanding, and a marketing planning template to practice applying your knowledge to a real business scenario. Suitable for undergraduate/bachelor and postgraduate students studying Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing.
Fred Selnes is a professor of marketing at BI, Norwegian Business School.
Even Lanseng is an associate professor of marketing at BI, Norwegian Business School.
Instructor Resources (Log-in needed):
PowerPoint Slides
A Teaching Guide
Excel file to accompany the Teaching Guide
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