Journal of Building Physics
All issues of the Journal of Building Physics are available to browse online.
The goal of the international, peer-reviewed Journal of Building Physics is to foster deeper insight and understanding of building physics, that will enable the development of theories, models and scientifically-based design principles and tools, which are crucial for the implementation of a performance-based engineering approach in building design and for improving the design, construction, operation, maintenance and performance of new and existing buildings and their surrounding infrastructure.
Journal of Building Physics covers a broad range of topics including:
- Heat, air, and moisture aspects of building systems, in particular the building envelope
- All types of insulation and building envelope materials and systems including polymeric, mineral, cellulose-based, and composites
- New technological solutions, i.e. green roofing, double skinned envelopes, interaction and integration of building envelope with mechanical systems, integration of renewables
- New test procedures and improved methods of field measurement
- Heat, Air and Moisture transfer modeling
- Building interactions with the indoor environment, occupants, and allied building materials, components, and sub-systems.
- Energy consumption, energy efficiency and net-zero buildings
- Acoustics and lighting, in interaction with other building aspects
- Urban physics, urban built and green infrastructure
- Thermal comfort, wellness and living lab
- Climate change, extreme events, resilience and mitigation
- and many other topics
The Journal provides two sections of peer reviewed papers: Research and Research Review Papers and Technical Papers or shorter Technical Notes and Pedagogical Notes.
Journal of Building Physics provides in-depth coverage of both research and practice. Just complete the order form to tap into this wealth of information and ideas.
Dominique Derome | Université of Sherbrooke, Canada |
Arianna Astolfi | Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Hannelore Derluyn | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), France |
Linlin Fei | Xi’an Jiaotong University, China |
Dariusz Gawin | Lodz Technical University, Poland |
Hua Ge | Concordia University, Canada |
Samuel V. Glass | USDA Forest Products Laboratory, USA |
Chiemi Iba | Kyoto University, Japan |
Arnold Janssens | University of Gent, Belgium |
Angela Sasic Kalagasidis | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden |
Targo Kalames | Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia |
Aytaç Kubilay | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Yonghui Li | Southeast University, China |
Nathan Mendes | PUCPR - Catholic University of Parana, Brazil |
Parham A. Mirzaei | Nottingham University, UK |
Ruut Peuhkuri | Aalborg University, Denmark |
Staf Roels | Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium |
Xing Shi | Tongji University, China |
Athanasios Tzempelikos | Purdue University, USA |
Nathan Van Den Bossche | Ghent University, Belgium |
Twan van Hooff | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands |
Evy Vereecken | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Zengfeng Yan | Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China |
David W. Yarbrough | R&D Services, Inc., USA |
Xiaohai Zhou | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.