Introducing Research Methodology
Thinking Your Way Through Your Research Project
- Uwe Flick - Freie Universtität Berlin, Germany
New to research? This book helps you understand, think about and interpret each stage of the research process before you dive in. The holistic coverage helps you 'think through' each step, from formulating questions and selecting methods to collecting data and analyzing results.
With new content on the ethics of digital research, online interviews and data protection, you will also find:
- 10 new Student Research Spotlights that demonstrate how you can foster a reflexive mindset;
- A strong emphasis on social justice, including principles for culturally-responsive research and methodologies that challenge colonial perspectives;
- 34 case studies of real-world research that apply theory to global contexts, from Portugal to Germany to Canada.
This new edition is essential for any undergraduate or postgraduate student looking to conduct social research with confidence and capability.
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Check your students’ understanding with a test bank of multiple choice questions related to the key concepts at each stage of the research process that can be used in class, as homework or exams.
Support your teaching with a detailed Lecturer’s guide, featuring case studies, datasets, checklists, teaching suggestions and further reading resources for each chapter.
A significant effort has been made to present a detailed, contemporary overview of designing and conducting social research. The author goes beyond the usual content covered in this type of textbook, by elaborating on worldview methodological approaches to research.
This continues to be a stand-out resource for students who are undertaking their first social research project, and this edition brings many welcome updates. Particularly welcome are the strengthening of the section on ethics, and the integration of online and digital research throughout the text.
This book offers a solid grounding for research projects enabling insight into the what, when and why questions. Chapters provoke engagement with methods, reasoning and analysis so that those undertaking research find their own starting point and positionality.