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International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

International Relations of the Asia-Pacific

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

April 2010 | 1 608 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

The contemporary importance of the Asia-Pacific region in international relations has generated a very large and diverse academic literature. This four-volume set, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, brings together for the first time a collection of essential articles covering the key themes and issues since the end of the Cold War. It examines the ways in which the region understands its place in the world and how the rest of the world understands the 'Asia Pacific', before turning to matters of security, international political economy and regional governance.

Volume I: Theorizing International Relations: Asia Views the World and the World Views Asia

Volume II: International Relations in Practice: Securities Old and New

Volume III: The International Political Economy of Development in East Asia

Volume IV: Regions and Regionalism

The Balance of Power, Globalization, and Democracy: International Relations Theory in Northeast Asia

Stephan Haggard
Area Studies and Discipline
Area Studies, Regional Studies, and International Relations

Peter J. Katzenstein
Boundary Displacement: Area Studies and International Studies During and After the Cold War

Bruce Cumings
A Disaster in the Making: Rational Choice and Asian Studies

Chalmers Johnson and E.B. Keehn
State, Social Forces, and Regions in Historical Time: Toward A Critical Political Economy of Eastern Asia

Mitchell Bernard
Exceptionalism or Universalism?
The Asianisation of Asia

Yoichi Funabashi
Getting Asia Wrong: The Need For New Analytical Frameworks

David C. Kang
How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change in Asian Regionalism

Amitav Acharya
A Liberal Peace in Asia?

Benjamin Goldsmith
Economics and Politics
Does Hegemony Matter?: The Reorganization of the Pacific Political Economy

Donald Crone
Studying China in An Era of Globalisation

Shaun Breslin
Institutional Balancing and International Relations Theory: Economic Interdependence and Balance of Power Strategies in Southeast Asia

Kai He
Constructivist Alternatives
Realism and Constructivism in Southeast Asian Security Studies Today: A Review Essay

Sorpong Peou
Set for Stability? Prospects for Cooperation and Conflict in East Asia

Thomas Berger
The Long Peace of ASEAN

Timo Kivimäki
Asian Practice of Security: Key Features and Explanations

Muthiah Alagappa
The Geography of the Peace: East Asia in the Twenty-First Century

Robert Ross
Actors and Alliances
The U.S.-Japan Alliance: Getting Asia Right through 2020

Richard Armitage and Joseph Nye
Why is There No NATO in Asia? Collective Identity, Regionalism, and the Origins of Multilateralism

Christopher Hemmer and Peter J. Katzenstein
China Engages Asia: Reshaping the Regional Order

David S. Shambaugh,
Japan's Policy Towards East and Southeast Asia: Trends in Re-Asianisation

Lalima Varma
New Security Issues
Terrorism in Southeast Asia: Expert Analysis, Myopia and Fantasy

Natasha Hamilton-Hart
Non Traditional Security in Asia: The Many Faces of Securitisation

Mely Caballero-Anthony
Between a Hegemon and a Hard Place: The War on Terror and Southeast Asian-US Relations

David Capie
Challenges to Security
Japan's shifting security trajectory and policy system

Christopher W. Hughes
The South China Sea: ASEAN's Security Concerns About China

Liselotte Odgaard
The North Korean Nuclear Crisis and US Strategy in Northeast Asia

Gilbert Rozman
Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster? The Rise of China and U.S. Policy Toward East Asia

Thomas J. Christensen
China's 'Peaceful Rise' to Great Power Status

Bijian Zheng
Asian Model(s)
The Japanese 'Miracle'

Chalmers Johnson
Beyond Product Cycles and Flying Geese: Regionalization, Hierarchy, and the Industrialization of East Asia

Mitchell Barnard and John Ravenhill
The Theory of the Flying Geese Pattern of Development and Its Interpretations

Pekka Korhonen
Confucian Capitalism: Discourse, Practice and the Myth of Chinese Enterprise

Souchou Yao
Debating the Asian Model
Overview: Making of A Miracle

World Bank
The Myth of Asia's Miracle

Paul Krugman
Alternative Perspectives on Late Industrialization in East Asia: A Critical Survey

Paul Burkett and Martin Hart-Landsberg
Crisis Management
An Explanation of the 1997 Asian Crash

François Godement
Institutions and Investors: The Politics of the Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia

Andrew MacIntyre
The East Asian Crash and the Wall Street-IMF Complex

Robert Wade and Frank Veneroso
Was IMF-Imposed Economic Regime Change in Korea Justified? The Political Economy of IMF Intervention

James Crotty and Lee Kang-kook
Rethinking the Model
What ever happened to the East Asian Developmental State? The Unfolding Debate

Richard Stubbs
Rethinking the Southeast Asian Development Model: Bringing Ethical and Governance Questions In

Richard Higgott and Helen Nesadurai
The Beijing Consensus: Notes on the New Physics of Chinese Power

Joshua Cooper Ramo
What Happened to the Japanese Model

Ulrike Schaede
What Region/Where Is Asia/Where Did It Come From
The Weight of History

Mark Beeson
ASEAN's Inheritance: The Regionalization of Southeast Asia, 1941 - 61

Phillip Charrier
Asia Pacific studies in an age of global modernity

Arif Dirlik
Approaches and Dynamics
Regionalism and Asia

Peter J. Katzenstein
New Regionalism in Historical Perspective

Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott
Beyond Network Power? The Dynamics of Formal Economic Integration in Northeast Asia

Vinod K. Aggarwal and Min Gyo Koo
Regionalization and Regionalism in East Asia

Samuel S. Kim
Networking the Region? The Emergence and Impact of Asia-Pacific Bilateral Free Trade Agreement Projects

Christopher Dent
Non State Regional Governance Mechanisms For Economic Security: The Case Of The ASEAN People's Assembly

Mely Caballero-Anthony
Competing regions/Evolving Regions?
ASEAN and regional governance after the Cold War: from regional order to regional community?

Helen Nesadurai
Competing Conceptions Of Economic Regionalism: APEC Versus EAEC in the Asia Pacific

Richard Higgott and Richard Stubbs
Understanding China's Regional Rise: Interpretations, Identities and Implications

Shaun Breslin
ASEAN Plus Three: Towards A New Age Of Pan-East Asian Regionalism? A Skeptic's Appraisal

Markus Hund
The Race to Connect East Asia: An Unending Steeplechase

T.J. Pempel
In Medias Res: The Development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as a Security Community

Marc Lanteigne

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ISBN: 9781412947831