International Politics
Classic and Contemporary Readings
Second Edition
Edited by:
- Scott P. Handler
- Robert T. Person - United States Military Academy, USA
January 2021 | 456 pages | CQ Press
Why do states do what they do? Who are the relevant nonstate actors in international politics and why do they do what they do? What causes conflict and cooperation in the international system? These are some of the most basic questions that the discipline of International Relations (IR) seeks to answer; they are also the questions that drive the objectives, organization and content of this book.
International Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Second Edition seeks to help students engage critically with some of the world’s most challenging questions through the use of leading classic and contemporary scholarship in the field of international relations. The first five chapters of the book explore the leading theoretical traditions in international relations, while subsequent chapters explore the themes of international security, international political economy, and contemporary challenges in international relations. This organization makes the book easy to use as standalone text or alongside core text. Class-tested on over 10,000 students in the last decade, this text was built from the ground up to introduce students to the traditions and new foundations of international relations as well to the principles of intellectually rigorous thought.
International Politics: Classic and Contemporary Readings, Second Edition seeks to help students engage critically with some of the world’s most challenging questions through the use of leading classic and contemporary scholarship in the field of international relations. The first five chapters of the book explore the leading theoretical traditions in international relations, while subsequent chapters explore the themes of international security, international political economy, and contemporary challenges in international relations. This organization makes the book easy to use as standalone text or alongside core text. Class-tested on over 10,000 students in the last decade, this text was built from the ground up to introduce students to the traditions and new foundations of international relations as well to the principles of intellectually rigorous thought.
Chapter 1 - The Science of Politics
International Relations: One World, Many Theories
Stephen M. Walt
Leaving Theory Behind: Why Simplistic Hypothesis Testing Is Bad for International Relations
John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt
Man, the State, and War: A Theoretical Analysis
Kenneth N. Waltz
Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Graham T. Allison
Chapter 2 - Realism
A Realist Theory of International Politics
Hans J. Morgenthau
The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory
Kenneth N. Waltz
Anarchy and the Struggle for Power
John Mearsheimer
Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power
Stephen M. Walt
The Melian Dialogue
Chapter 3 - Liberalism
The Liberal Tradition and International Relations
Scott A. Silverstone
International Institutions: Can Interdependence Work?
Robert O. Keohane
The Great Illusion
Norman Angell
The Worlds of International Relations: The Military-Political World, The Trading World
Richard Rosecrance
Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations
Dale C. Copeland
Democracy, War and Expansion Through Historical Lenses
Bruce M. Russett
Democratization and War
Edward D. Mansfield and Jack Snyder
Chapter 4 - Constructivism
Ian Hurd
Stigmatizing the Bomb: Origins of the Nuclear Taboo
Nina Tannenwald
International Norm Dynamics and Political Change
Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink
The Violence of Illusion
Amartya Sen
NSC 68: A Report to the National Security Council on United States Objectives and Programs for National Security
United States Government
Chapter 5 - Alternative Approaches in International Relations Theory
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Dependence Theory: Concepts, Classifications, and Criticisms
Young Namkoong
Feminism Meets International Relations
Diana Thorburn
The Positivist Study of Gender and International Relations
Dan Reiter
Why Race Matters in International Relations
Kelebogile Zvobgo and Meredith Loken
Chapter 6 - International Security
Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma
Robert Jervis
Shifting Power and the Preventive War Option
Scott A. Silverstone
The Diplomacy of Violence
Thomas C. Schelling
Why Iran Should Get the Bomb
Kenneth N. Waltz
More Will Be Worse
Scott D. Sagan
Exploring the Bargaining Model of War
Dan Reiter
Understanding Civil War: A New Agenda
Paul Collier and Nicholas Sambanis
Transnational Dimensions of Civil War
Kristian Skrede Gleditsch
Structural Causes of Oppositional Political Terrorism: Toward a Causal Model
Jeffrey Ian Ross
Chapter 7 - International Political Economy
What You Should Know About Globalization and the World Trade Organization
Alan V. Deardorff and Robert M. Stern
State Power and the Structure of International Trade
Stephen D. Krasner
Votes and Vetoes: The Political Determinants of Commercial Openness
Witold J. Henisz and Edward D. Mansfield
The Free-Trade Paradox: The Bad Politics of a Good Idea
Alan S. Blinder
Why Globalization Stalled and How to Restart It
Fred Hu and Michael Spence
The Use and Misuse of Economic Statecraft
Jacob J. Lew and Richard Nephew
Chapter 8 - Contemporary Challenges in International Relations
Beyond the Failed State: Toward Conceptual Alternatives
Charles T. Call
Failed States in a World of Terror”
Robert I. Rotberg
Warming World: Why Climate Change Matters More Than Anything Else
Joshua Busby
Report on Effects of a Changing Climate to the Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Defense
How the U.S. Can Play Cyber Offense: Deterrence Isn’t Enough
Michael Sulmeyer
Will the Liberal Order Survive? The History of an Idea
Joseph S. Nye Jr.
America and the Geopolitics of Upheaval
Hal Brands and Eric Edelman