International Environmental Politics
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Ronald B Mitchell - University of Oregon, Department of Political Science
November 2008 | 1 592 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
International environmental politics is an important component of both current scholarship in, and the curricula of, departments of international relations, international studies, and political science in the United States and around the world. These four volumes bring together the very strongest writings from the scholarly literature on the increasingly important topic of international environmental politics, selected from a diverse range of disciplines and publications. The collection sheds light on the political sources of global environmental problems, the processes by which states negotiate solutions to them, and the efforts of international institutions to address them.
Volume 1: Global environmental problems and their sources
Volume 2: International environmental agenda setting and policy formation
Volume 3: The effects of international environmental institutions
Volume 4: International environmental issues and international environmental debates
Volume 1: Global environmental problems and their sources
Volume 2: International environmental agenda setting and policy formation
Volume 3: The effects of international environmental institutions
Volume 4: International environmental issues and international environmental debates
Part 1: International Environmental Problems and their Sources
Overview of the problems
Global change and the earth system: a planet under pressure
Will Steffen, Angelina Sanderson, Peter Tyson, Jill Jäger, Pamela Matson, Berrien Moore III, Frank Oldfield, Katherine Richardson, John Schellnhuber, B.L. Turner II, and Robert Wasson
Sustainability science
Robert W. Kates et al
Entering the century of the environment: a new social contract for science.
Jane Lubchenco
The long-term development of global environmental risk management: conclusions and implications for the future
Josee van Eijndhoven, William C. Clark, and Jill Jäger
Basic structural forces
The IPAT equation and its variants: changing views of technology and environmental impact.
Marian R. Chertow
An essay on the principle of population
T. R. Malthus
Optimum human population size
Gretchen Daily, Anne H. Ehrlich, and Paul Ehrlich
Tragedy of the Commons
The tragedy of the commons
Garrett Hardin
Common-pool resources and international environmental politics
J. Samuel Barkin and George E. Shambaugh
Reformulating the commons
Elinor Ostrom
Development and capacity
Economic growth and the environment
Gene M. Grossman and Allen B. Krueger
Capacity development for the environment: broadening the focus
Ambuj D. Sagar and Stacy D. van Deveer
Human values
Sustainability values, attitudes, and behaviors: a review of multinational and global trends
Anthony A. Leiserowitz, Robert W. Kates, and Thomas M. Parris
The shallow and the deep, long-range ecology movement: a summary
Arne Naess
Movements, networks, hierarchies: a gender perspective on global environmental governance
Charlotte Bretherton
Large scale forces
Rethinking the ecology-sovereignty debate
Ken Conca
Towards a political economy of global environmental governance
Peter Newell
Understanding global environmental politics: domination, accumulation, resistance
Matthew Paterson
Part 2: International environmental agenda setting and policy formation
Background on global environmental diplomacy
The structuring of a world environmental regime, 1870-1990
John W. Meyer, David John Frank, Ann Hironaka, Evan Schofer, and Nancy Brandon Tuma
International environmental agreements: a survey of their features, formation, and effects
Ronald B. Mitchell
Appraising the earth summit
Peter M. Haas, Marc A. Levy, and Edward A. Parson
Perspectives on the Johannesburg Summit
James Gustave Speth
Determinants of success in institutional creation and of institutional design
Overview of influences on negotiations
The formation of international regimes: hypotheses and cases
Gail Osherenko and Oran R. Young
The interest-based explanation of international environmental policy
Detlef Sprinz and Tapani Vaahtoranta
Transnational cooperation dilemmas
Scott Barrett
Self-interest and environmental management
Kenneth A. Oye and James M. Maxwell
Specific influences: Powerful states
The USA and global environmental policy: domestic constraints on effective leadership
Glen Sussman
Baptists and bootleggers for the environment: the origins of United States unilateral sanctions
Elizabeth DeSombre
Specific influences: Developing states
The view from the South: developing countries in global environmental politics
Adil Najam
Specific influences: Scientists
Information and influence
Ronald B. Mitchell, William C. Clark, and David W. Cash
Specific influences: NGOs
NGO influence in international environmental negotiations: a framework for analysis
Michele M. Betsill and Elisabeth Corell
Specific influences: leaders:
Political leadership and regime formation: on the development of institutions in international society
Oran R. Young
Alternatives to international agreements
Environmental activism and world civic politics
Paul Wapner
The privatization of global environmental governance: ISO 14000 and the developing world
Jennifer Clapp
Private governance and the South: lessons from global forest politics
Philipp Pattberg
Part 3: The effects of international environmental institutions
Effectiveness as a concept
The effect of international environmental institutions: how we might learn more
Thomas Bernauer
One question, two answers
Arild Underdal
Factors that influence institutional effectiveness
The effectiveness of international environmental regimes
Oran R. Young and Marc A. Levy
Assessing the record and designing strategies to engage countries
Harold K. Jacobson and Edith Brown Weiss
Do regimes matter? Epistemic communities and Mediterranean pollution control
Peter M. Haas
Institutional interaction in global environmental governance: the case of the Cartagena Protocol and the World Trade Organization
Sebastian Oberthor and Thomas Gehring
Empirical research on international environmental policy: designing qualitative case studies
Ronald B. Mitchell and Thomas Bernauer
The Oslo-Potsdam solution to measuring regime effectiveness: critique, response, and the road ahead
Jon Hovi, Detlef F. Sprinz, and Arild Underdal
Part 4: International environmental issues and international environmental debates
Climate change
Fourth Assessment Report Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report Summary for Policymakers
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Globalization, vulnerability to climate change, and perceived injustice
Bradley C. Parks and J. Timmons Roberts
Ozone Depletion
The theoretical and practical significance of the ozone regime
Edward A. Parson
The environmental challenge to loggers in the Asia-Pacific: corporate practices in informal regimes of governance
Peter Dauvergne
Domestic institutions and international regulatory cooperation: comparative responses to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Kal Raustiala
Hazardous Waste Trade
Seeping through the regulatory cracks: the international transfer of toxic waste
Jennifer Clapp
Unilateralism and multilateralism in international fisheries management
J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth DeSombre
Reducing pollution of the Rhine River: the influence of international cooperation
Thomas Bernauer and Peter Moser
European Union
The European Union as an environmental governance system
Regina S. Axelrod, Norman J. Vig, and Miranda A. Schreurs
Whalers, cetologists, environmentalists and the international management of whaling
M. J. Peterson
Marine Pollution
Regime design matters: intentional oil pollution and treaty compliance
Ronald B. Mitchell
Assessing the effectiveness of international environmental agreements: the case of the 1985 Helsinki Protocol
Evan Ringquist and Tatiana Kostadinova
World Environment Organization
Toward a World Environment Organization: reflections upon a vital debate
Steve Charnovitz
Addressing the global governance deficit
Peter M. Haas
Free Trade and the Environment
Bridging the trade-environment divide
Daniel C. Esty
Beyond pollution havens
David Wheeler
Environmental Security
Armed conflict and the environment: a critique of the literature
Nils Petter Gleditsch
The environment and violent conflict
Daniel M. Schwartz, Tom Deligiannis, and Thomas Homer-Dixon
Sustainable Development
From one earth to one world: an overview by the World Commission on Environment and Development
World Commission on Environment and Development
The chimera of "sustainable development"
Wilfred Beckerman
Sustainable development and Agenda 21: the secular bible of global free markets and pluralist democracy
Timothy Doyle
International Financial Institutions and the Environment
Delegation to international organizations: agency theory and World Bank environmental reform
Daniel L. Nielson and Michael J. Tierney
Concluding section
The sovereignty of nature? environmental protection in a postmodern age
Paul Wapner
'Earth system governance' as a crosscutting theme of global change research
Frank Biermann