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Feminist Criminology

Feminist Criminology

eISSN: 1557086X | ISSN: 15570851 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 5 Times/Year
 Call for Papers
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Feminist Criminology is an innovative journal that is dedicated to research related to women, girls, and crime within the context of a feminist critique of criminology. Published five times a year by SAGE Publications as the official journal of the Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology, this international publication focuses on research and theory that highlights the gendered nature of crime.

The feminist critique of criminology incorporates a perspective that the paths to crime differ for males and females. Therefore, research that uses sex as a control variable often fails to illuminate the factors that predict female criminality. Feminist Criminology provides a venue for articles that place women in the center of the research question, answering different questions than the mainstream approach of controlling for sex.

Feminist Criminology features research utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methodology and includes insightful topics such as

  • Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Diversity in the Study of Women and Crime
  • Cross-Cultural / International Perspectives on Women and Crime
  • Women Working in the Criminal Justice Profession
  • How Women Offenders Are Treated in the Criminal Justice System
  • Girls and Women as Victims
  • Feminist Theories of Crime
  • Girls, Women and the Justice System

The main aim of Feminist Criminology is to focus on research related to women, girls and crime. The scope includes research on women working in the criminal justice profession, women as offenders and how they are dealt with in the criminal justice system, women as victims, and theories and tests of theories related to women and crime. The feminist critique of criminology incorporates a perspective that the paths to crime differ for males and females, thus research that uses sex as a control variable often fails to illuminate the factors that predict female criminality. This journal will highlight research that takes a perspective designed to demonstrate the gendered nature of crime and responses to crime. The main focus of the journal will be empirical research and theory, although the editor welcomes practice-oriented manuscripts. 

Lisa Pasko University of Denver, USA
Vera Lopez Arizona State University, USA
Deputy Editors
Jennifer Cobbina Michigan State University, USA
Alesha Durfee Saint Louis University, USA
Katherine Irwin University of Hawaii-Manoa, USA
Lidia Nuño Texas State University, USA
Jane Palmer University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Hillary Potter University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Editorial Board
Nawal H. Ammar Rowan University College of Humanities and Social Sciences, USA
Valerie Anderson University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA
Elaine Arnull Bucks New University/University of Wolverhampton, UK
Rosemary Barberet John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA
Stephanie Bonnes University of New Haven, USA
Lisa Broidy University of New Mexico, USA
Meda Chesney-Lind University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Molly Dragiewicz Griffith University, Australia
Venessa Garcia New Jersey City University, USA
Loraine Gelsthorpe University of Cambridge, UK
Veronica Herrera California State University-Fullerton, USA
Michelle Hughes Miller University of South Florida, USA
Nancy Jurik Arizona State University, USA
Karen Joe Laidler The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Andrea Leverentz University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Kayla Martensen University of New Mexico, USA
Cecilia Mejivar University of California - Los Angeles, USA
James W. Messerschmidt University of Southern Maine, USA
Merry Morash Michigan State University, USA
Tara Opsal Colorado State University, USA
Nicole E. Rader Mississippi State University, USA
Valli Rajah John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA
Sheetal Ranjan Montclair State University, USA
Sukhman Singh The University of Connecticut, USA
Jillian J. Turanovic Florida State University, USA
María B. Velez University of Maryland, USA
Sara Wakefield Rutgers University, USA
Nancy Wonders Northern Arizona University, USA
Managing Editor
Christine Leavitt Arizona State University, USA
  • Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts
  • Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women's Studies Resources
  • Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents
  • Journal Citation Report – Science edition
  • NISC
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • PsycINFO
  • SafetyLit
  • Social SciSearch
  • Feminist Criminology welcomes academics, practitioners, and researchers interested in studies that incorporate a feminist critique to the study of gender and crime to submit manuscripts for publication consideration. The focus should be on various aspects of women and crime, broadly defined, that (1) contribute to criminological theory; (2) expand the borders of feminist scholarship (e.g., by focusing on a unique setting or population); and (3) promote access to justice for women and/or girls by contributing to policy and/practices. This includes empirical articles testing criminological theory(s), theoretical articles advancing new theory(s) or integrating existing theory(s), and evaluations of programs or policies relevant to women as offenders, victims, or criminal justice system employees.

    Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by the diverse and distinguished multi-disciplinary editorial board and should be submitted in electronic format, not exceeding 30 double-spaced typed pages, with a 100-word abstract and a brief autobiographical sketch. Figures, tables, and references must be on separate pages and should follow the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). Figures and tables should be kept to a minimum..

    All manuscripts must be submitted online to Feminist Criminology using SageTRACK. This system makes it easy to submit your article as well as submit revisions and resubmissions through automatic linking. Authors also can track the progress of submissions online. To submit an article and all supplementary files, visit If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Editor at

    Manuscripts should not exceed 30 double-spaced typed pages, including references, figures, and tables.. Submissions also should include a 100-word abstract and a brief autobiographical sketch. Figures, tables, and references should follow the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). Figures and tables should be kept to a minimum. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed by the diverse and distinguished multi-disciplinary editorial board and other scholars in the field.

    When submitting your manuscript online, it is important to ensure that all identifying information is removed from your document before it undergoes peer review. If a manuscript is improperly anonymized, it will need to be sent back to you for correction which will ultimately delay the review process.

    Below is a checklist for removing identifying information, to help you ensure your documents are properly anonymized:

    • Manuscript file names
    • Within your abstract
    • Author’s responses (for revised manuscripts)
      • Do not include a signature
      • Do not put them on letterhead
    • Footnotes acknowledging grant awards or funding
    • Use of “I”, “we”, “me” with specific reference to names in the body of the text or within citations
    • Reference to previous experiences, awards, or previous research that is singular, unique, or repeated
    • Manuscript and/or citation should not appear anywhere that is searchable by internet (e.g. on your online CV or on

    Authors who want to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider utilizing the services of SPi, a non-affiliated company that offers Professional Editing Services to authors of journal articles in the areas of science, technology, medicine or the social sciences. SPi specializes in editing and correcting English-language manuscripts written by authors with a primary language other than English. Visit for more information about SPi’s Professional Editing Services, pricing, and turn-around times, or to obtain a free quote or submit a manuscript for language polishing.

    Please be aware that Sage has no affiliation with SPi and makes no endorsement of the company. An author’s use of SPi’s services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and SPi, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

    Comment and Reply Policy

    Comments on recently published articles (i.e., published online within the previous 6 months) may be considered for publication in Feminist Criminology. Comments most often involve discussion around theoretical issues, and must be relevant to a significant portion of readership to be considered. Authors should indicate in their cover letter that the submission is intended to be a comment and use the “Comment” option for the type of article. Comments are subject to peer review and editorial decision. If the comment is accepted for publication, the editor shall inform the author(s) of the original article, and provide the accepted comment to the author(s) with an invitation to reply. If the author(s) submits a reply to the comment, the reply is also subject to peer review and editorial decision. Comments are limited to a maximum of 2500 words and replies are limited to 1250 words, inclusive of references and all content. The comment and reply may be published in the same issue as the original article, or could be published together in a later issue, ideally as close as possible to the publication of the original article, but not later than 12 months after the in-print publication date of the original article. Feminist Criminology will not consider replies to replies.

    In addition to following APA format and other guidelines for manuscripts submitted to Feminist Criminology, comments and replies should be prepared according to the following non-exhaustive criteria:

    1. The comment should contain an abstract and clearly state the paper to which it refers in the title, taking the form of New title: A comment on Author(s) of original article. Similarly, replies should take the form of New title: A reply to Author(s) of comment.
    2. Comments should have a collegial tone. Language that is insulting, inflammatory, or obscene will not be tolerated.
    3. Comments must be evidence-based, not authority-based. Arguments based on personal belief are to be avoided. Unsupported assertions or statements should be avoided.
    4. References to unpublished data or anecdotal evidence are not permitted. References to published data should be fully documented, with permanent web links for accessibility if at all possible.
    5. Discussions should be confined to the demonstrable content of the published article and should avoid speculation about the motivations or prejudices of authors.
    6. Questions about data are appropriate, but need to be phrased in a way that does not imply any misconduct on the part of the author(s) of the original article. If a reader is concerned about potential misconduct, such concerns should be raised directly with the Editor-in-Chief of Feminist Criminology, which follows guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for investigating alleged misconduct.

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