Environment and Behavior
Comprehensive Analyses - Six Times a Year!
Environment & Behavior brings you international and interdisciplinary perspectives on the relationships between environments and human behavior. Both population growth and threats to environmental sustainability make the understanding of environment-behavior relationships increasingly critical to human well-being. Explore topics such as:
- Natural environments and psychological restorativeness
- Pro-environmental behavior and behavior change
- Social and psychological processes related to environments of particular settings such as neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and extreme environments
- Environmental perception and cognition, such as wayfinding and risk perception
- Environmental feelings, attachment, and identity
- Attitudes, values, priming, and norms that relate to environmental behavior
- Effects of ambient conditions such as noise
- Societal-level predictors of sustainability policies and designs
- Environmental problems such as fear, stress, and crowding
- Effects of innovative designs on human behavior
- Environments and physical health, from hospitals to walkable neighborhoods and parks
- Environment & behavior relations for particular groups such as children or elderly people
- Spatial behavior processes and methods of study
Interdisciplinary Views
With Environment & Behavior you’ll benefit by exposure to the concepts and theories of experts from a variety of disciplines, including:
- Anthropology
- Architecture
- Business
- Design
- Education
- Geography
- Health Science
- Parks and Recreation
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Urban Planning.
In addition, researchers working in relevant governmental agencies, such as the U.S. Forest Service, regularly publish in E&B.
Thematic Discussions
Occasionally, Environment & Behavior supplements its broad coverage with single-theme Special Issues devoted to topics of particular concern and guest-edited by leading scholars. Previous Special Issues have included:
- Physical Environments, Physical Activity, and Diet: Environment-Behavior Perspectives
- Litter Control and Recycling
- Place and loss
- Building the Evidence Base for Evidence-based Design
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Submit your manuscript today at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/eb
Environment & Behavior is an interdisciplinary journal designed to report rigorous experimental and theoretical work focusing on the influence of the physical environment on human behavior at the individual, group, and institutional levels.
Sonya Sachdeva | USDA Forest Service, USA |
Sarah Foster | RMIT University, Australia |
Kristi Lekies | Ohio State University, USA |
Stefan Stieger | Karl Landsteiner University, Austria |
Javier Cifuentes Faura | University of Murcia, Spain |
E. Scott Geller | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Dr Fanli Jia | Seton Hall University, USA |
Robert W. Marans | University of Michigan, USA |
Dr. Parul Rishi | Professor and Chairperson, Faculty of Human Resource Management, Indian Institute of Forest Management Bhopal, India |
Susan Saegert | City University of New York, USA |
Peter Suedfeld | University of British Colombia, Canada |
David Canter | University of Huddersfield, UK |
Arza Churchman | Technion, Israel |
Víctor Corral-Verdugo | University of Sonora, Mexico |
Francis Adeola | University of New Orleans, USA |
Kathryn Anthony | University of Illinois, USA |
Randy Atlas | Atlas Safety & Security Design Associates, USA |
Mark Baldassare | Public Policy Institute of California, USA |
Paul Bell | Colorado State University, USA |
Stephen Bitgood | Jacksonville State University, USA |
Arline Bronzaft | City University of New York, USA |
Jason Cao | University of Minnesota, USA |
Patrick Devine-Wright | University of Exeter, UK |
Jay Farbstein | Jay Farbstein & Associates, USA |
Guido Francescato | University of Markland, College Park, USA |
Karen Franck | Brooklyn, New York, USA |
Birgitta Gatersleben | University of Surrey, UK |
Paul Gobster | USDA Forest Service, USA |
Linda Groat | People Places, LLC, USA |
Peter Hecht | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA |
Harry Heft | Denison University, USA |
Anjali Joseph | The Center for Health Design, USA |
Gerard Kyle | Texas A&M University, USA |
Dongying Li | Texas A&M University, USA |
Terry Maple | Florida Atlantic University, USA |
Stephen T. Margulis | Grand Valley State University, USA |
Frank McAndrew | Knox College, USA |
Shannon Monnat | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Daniel R. Montello | University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Sabine Pahl | Plymouth University, UK |
Deborah Pellow | Syracuse University, USA |
David Pijawka | Arizona State University, USA |
Ruth Raanaas | Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway |
Kim Rollings | University of Notre Dame,USA |
Thomas Saarinen | University of Arizona, USA |
Edward Sadalla | Arizona State University, USA |
Rick T. Scheidt | Kansas State University, USA |
P. Wesley Schultz | California State University, San Marcos, USA |
Andrew Seidel | Texas A&M University, USA |
Robert Shibley | SUNY, Buffalo, USA |
Kent Spreckelmeyer | University of Kansas, USA |
Linda Steg | University of Gronigen, Netherlands |
Takemi Sugiyama | Swinburne University of Technology, Australia |
Margaret Topf | University of Colorado, USA |
Jennifer Veitch | NRC Institute for Research in Construction, Canada |
Stephen Verderber | Tulane University, USA |
Richard Wener | New York University Tandon School of Engineering, USA |
Lynn Westphal | USDA Forest Service, USA |
Georjeanna Wilson-Doenges | University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
Stanley T. Asah | Dalhousie University, Canada |
Robert Bechtel | University of Arizona, Tucson, USA |
Barbara Brown | University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA |
Ann Sloan Devlin | Connecticut College, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.