Do Arrests and Restraining Orders Work?
Edited by:
- Eve S. Buzawa - University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
- Carl G. Buzawa - Attorney
Family/Domestic Violence
Family/Domestic Violence
March 1996 | 288 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Since empirical research on domestic violence began in the 1970s, it has become clear that without intervention, significant percentages of domestic violence cases escalate into more serious incidents. However, with the exception of cases resulting in homicides, there are no reliable criminal justice statistics that document the rates of serious domestic violence incidents. What, then, are the most effective means--in terms of safety and cost--of protecting victims? Featuring writings from noted contributors, Do Arrests and Restraining Orders Work? grapples with the markedly different results of research and analyses on the effectiveness of arrests and restraining orders. This probing volume examines the proper role of arrest and the degree to which the criminal justice system can rely on restraining orders to prevent domestic and other kinds of violence. Representing a wide array of research methods, the chapters include a variety of perspectives, including those from police, prosecutors, the judiciary, and probation officers.
Timely and provocative, Do Arrests and Restraining Orders Work? asks the challenging questions that will help the criminal justice system move toward effective solutions. This volume is an excellent resource for students as well as researchers and academics in criminology and for a wide array of criminal justice professionals, including police management personnel, attorneys, and policymakers.
Eve S Buzawa and Carl G Buzawa
Murray A Straus
Identifying Offenders in Criminal Justice Research on Domestic Assualt
Richard J Gelles
Constraints against Family Violence
How Well Do They Work?
Janell D Schmidt and Lawrence W Sherman
Does Arrest Deter Domestic Violence?
J David Hirschel and Ira W Hutchison
Realities and Implications of the Charlotte Spouse Abuse Experiment
Peter K Manning
The Preventive Conceit
The Black Box in Market Context
Barbara Hart
Battered Women and the Criminal Justice System
Evan Stark
Mandatory Arrest of Batterers
A Reply to Its Critics
Eve S Buzawa, Thomas L Austin and Carl G Buzawa
The Role of Arrest in Domestic versus Stranger Assault
Is There a Difference?
Donald J Rebovich
Prosecution Response to Domestic Violence
Results of a Survey of Large Jurisdictions
Andrew R Klein
Re-Abuse in a Population of Court-Restrained Male Batterers
Why Restraining Orders Don't Work
Adele Harrell and Barbara E Smith
Effects of Restraining Orders on Domestic Violence Victims
David A Ford et al
Future Directions for Criminal Justice Policy on Domestic Violence