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Dimensions of Human Behavior- Vantage Learning Platform

Dimensions of Human Behavior- Vantage Learning Platform
Person and Environment

Seventh Edition
Edited by:

January 2024 | SAGE Publications, Inc
An intuitive learning platform you (and your students) will actually love.

Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment, Seventh Edition is offered in Sage Vantage, an intuitive learning platform that integrates quality Sage textbook content with assignable multimedia activities and auto-graded assessments to drive student engagement and ensure accountability. Unparalleled in its ease of use and built for dynamic teaching and learning, Vantage offers customizable LMS integration and best-in-class support. For a personalized demo, please contact your Sage representative.
  • Assignable Video with Assessment
    Assignable video (available in Sage Vantage) is tied to learning objectives and curated exclusively for this text to bring concepts to life. Watch a sample video now.
  • Flashcards and note-taking tools help students better prepare for class.
  • NEW! Audiobook Player allows students to listen to text content, boosting comprehension and retention. It offers flexible, on-the-go access, engaging both reluctant readers and auditory learners, improving the overall reading experience.
  • The Offline Reading option in the Student Dashboard offers greater accessibility to Vantage’s reading content, regardless of where students are or how strong their internet connection may be.
Watch this 90-second video and see how it works:


Search Reference: Vantage Digital Option and Course tools done right

Part I: A Multidimensional Approach for Multifaceted Social Work
Elizabeth D. Hutchison
Chapter 1 • Human Behavior: A Multidimensional Approach
Elizabeth D. Hutchison, Leanne Wood Charlesworth, and Cory Cummings
Chapter 2 • Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior
Part II: The Multiple Dimensions of Person
Stephen French Gilson and Elizabeth DePoy
Chapter 3 • The Biological Person
Jeanne Koller
Chapter 4 • The Psychological Person: Cognition, Emotion, Personality, and Self
Cory Cummings, Tawanda Hubbard, and Joseph Walsh
Chapter 5 • The Psychosocial Person: Relationships, Stress, and Coping
Michael J. Sheridan
Chapter 6 • The Spiritual Person
Part III: The Multiple Dimensions of Environment
Elizabeth D. Hutchison
Chapter 7 • The Physical Environment
Elizabeth D. Hutchison and Linwood Cousins
Chapter 8 • Cultures
Elizabeth D. Hutchison
Chapter 9 • Social Structure and Social Institutions: Global and National
Elizabeth D. Hutchison and Tawanda Lynette Hubbard
Chapter 10 • Families
Elizabeth P. Cramer
Chapter 11 • Small Groups
Elizabeth D. Hutchison
Chapter 12 • Organizations
Elizabeth D. Hutchison and Soon Min Lee
Chapter 13 • Communities
Elizabeth D. Hutchison
Chapter 14 • Social Movements


Instructor Resources
For additional information, custom options, or to request a personalized walkthrough of these resources, please contact your sales representative.

LMS cartridge included with this title for use in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by Desire2Learn (D2L), and Moodle

The LMS cartridge makes it easy to import this title’s instructor resources into your learning management system (LMS). These resources include:
  • Test banks
  • Editable chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides
Don’t use an LMS platform?

You can still access the online resources for this title via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site.

New version accessible to students.

Ms Kate MacDonald
Social Work, Winona State University
November 19, 2024
Key features

Features Instructors Love

Features Students Love

Enables Easy, 3-Step Course Creation. Our simple interface enables you to create your course in minutes so you can focus on content. Just enter your course information, select your assignments and grading preferences, and review your settings.

Drives Student Engagement. An evidence-based learning design integrates text content with frequent multimedia activities and learning assessments to facilitate better student preparation, engagement, and learning retention.
  • A student dashboard offers easy access to text content and visually tracks progress on assignments and assessments.
  • Study tools, including flashcards and note-taking, highlighting, and definition look-up capabilities, give students all they need for class preparation and course success.
  • Assignable Knowledge Checks (with helpful hints) provide formative assessments after each major section of text content to reinforce retention of key concepts.
  • Critical Thinking Checks and Chapter Quizzes provide summative assessments at the end of each chapter to measure progress and long-term retention.
  • Assignable multimedia activities with assessment—including video, data, and reading activities—build critical thinking and data literacy while consistently engaging students in an interactive application of text content. Focused feedback on correct and incorrect answers eliminates any guesswork in the learning journey.
Ensures Student Accountability. Auto-graded assignments feed your gradebook while instructor reports complement your ability to track student activity, assignment completion, and learning objective mastery. These real-time analytics provide quick insights into individual and class performance for tailoring course instruction to help you address the needs of struggling students.

Delivers First-day-of-class Access and Flexibility. With our 2-week grace period access, all students can use Vantage on the very first day of class. The flexibility to use Vantage on mobile, desktop, or tablet devices means your dynamic Vantage content will consistently be available to learners any time they need it.

Offers Best-in-class Technical Support and Training. Our personalized support for instructors, students, and LMS administrators facilitates an easy transition to Vantage and the quality service you’ve come to expect from Sage.
  • Customizable Learning Management System (LMS) Integration. Our approach to integration empowers you to drive students to the content you want them to see in your LMS immediately following Single Sign On (SSO). In addition, automatic grade sync and full gradebook integration options can bolster timesaving, streamlined access to all your course content.
  • Dedicated Technical Support. We are proud to offer robust technical assistance from our team of Sage educational technology experts based in New York. Instructors and students can access extended weekday and weekend support via phone, email, and online communication.
  • Live and Self-Service Training. Synchronous training sessions are available to every Vantage adopter and complement our full suite of self-service “how-to” tools. Guided walk-throughs of basic and advanced Vantage features and live Q & A discussions empower you to personalize your course design and determine how Vantage can best support your teaching goals.

New to this Edition:
  • A more critical conceptual approach is taken throughout the book, with more attention to themes of justice and injustice, racism and other forms of oppression, marginalization, and social exclusion.
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals and social systems receives attention throughout the book.
  • Non-human elements of ecological systems receive greater attention.
  • Figures and tables have been updated with current research and data,
  • Eight new case studies have been added, and four have been updated to reflect contemporary issues.
Key Features:
  • Learning objectives added to each chapter identify for readers what will be learned from chapter content.
  • Alignment of chapters with the nine core social work competencies identified by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) in the 2022 EPAS.
  • Issues of human rights and social, racial, economic, and environmental justice are emphasized throughout the book, as are issues of racism, oppression, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Key terms appear in bold type within chapters and are defined in the Glossary for easy reference.
  • Critical thinking questions and active learning exercises stimulate students to reflect on and engage with the material.
  • Each chapter includes practice principles for applying knowledge about human behavior for engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

Sage College Publishing

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