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Deviance and Social Control

Deviance and Social Control
A Sociological Perspective

Third Edition

August 2020 | 656 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Deviance and Social Control: A Sociological Perspective provides a sociological examination of deviant behavior in society, with a significant focus on the major theories of deviance and society’s reaction to deviance. Authors Michelle Inderbitzin, Kristin A. Bates, and Randy R. Gainey use sociological theories to illuminate issues related to deviant behavior, offering clear overviews and perspectives in the field as well as introductions to classic and current research. A unique text/reader format combines substantial original chapters that clearly explain and outline the sociological perspectives on deviance with carefully selected articles from leading academic sources.

Included with this title:

The password-protected Instructor Resource Site (formally known as SAGE Edge)
offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides. Learn more.

About the Authors
How to Read a Research Article
Chapter 1. Introduction to Deviance

Conceptions of Deviance

The Sociological Imagination

The Importance of Theory and Its Relationship to Research

Global Perspectives on Deviance

Deviance and Disparity

Ideas in Action

Conclusion: Organization of the Book

Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 2. The Diversity of Deviance

Deviance and Its Varied Forms

Physical Deviance and Appearance: Ideals of Beauty, Self-Harm, and Body Modification

Relationships and Deviance

Deviance in Cyberspace: Making Up the Norms as We Go

Subcultural Deviance

Elite Deviance, Corporate Deviance, and Workplace Misconduct

Positive Deviance

Global Perspectives on Types of Deviance

Deviance and Disparity: Differential Treatment in Dealing With Addiction, Prostitution, and Graffiti

Ideas in Action: Guerrilla Gardening in Low-Income Areas

Question: So Who Are the Deviants? Answer: It Depends on Whom You Ask


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 3. Researching Deviance

Methodological Approaches to Studying Deviance

Content Analysis

Secondary Data Sources

Ethical Considerations in Studying Deviance

Global Perspectives on Trials and Tribulations Involved in Researching Deviance Across the Globe

Deviance and Disparity: Regulation of Smoking

Ideas in Action: Evaluating Programs and Policy



Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 4. Anomie/Strain Theory

Development of Anomie/Strain Theory

Robert Merton and Adaptations to Anomie/Strain

Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin, Differential Opportunity

Albert Cohen, Delinquent Boys

Robert Agnew, General Strain Theory

Messner and Rosenfeld, Crime and the American Dream— Institutional Anomie Theory

Application of Anomie and Strain Theories

Critiques of Anomie and Strain Theories

Global Perspectives on Anomie/Strain Theory

Deviance and Disparity: The Occupy Wall Street Movement

Ideas in Action: Transforming Innovation Into Conformity and Legitimate Success


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 5. Social Disorganization Theory

Development of Social Disorganization Theory

Shaw and McKay’s Study of Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas

Early Critiques of Social Disorganization Theory

Rebirth of Social Disorganization Theory

Empirical Tests of Social Disorganization Theory

Collective Efficacy as a Key Theoretical and Empirical Element of Social Disorganization Theory

Global Perspectives on Social Disorganization Theory

Tests of Social Disorganization in Cities Outside the United States

More Theoretical and Empirical Advances and Divergences

Deviance and Disparity: Social Disorganization Theory

External Forces in the Creation of Social Disorganization

Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy From Social Disorganization and Broken Windows Perspectives


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 6. Differential Association and Social Learning Theories

Development of Differential Association Theory

Development of Akers’s Social Learning Theory

Social Structure and Social Learning

Empirical Tests of Akers’s Social Structure Social Learning Theory

Application of Differential Association and Social Learning

Critiques of Differential Association and Social Learning Theories

Cultural Deviance Theory and Subcultural Explanations of Deviance

Deviance and Disparity: Can Differential Association/Social Learning Theories Explain Gender Disparities in Deviance?

Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy From a Social Learning Perspective

Global Perspectives on Testing Differential Association and Social Learning Theories Outside of the United States


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 7. Social Control Theories of Deviance

Development of Social Control Theory

Contemporary Additions to Social Control Theory

Application of Social Control Theories

Critiques of Social Control Theories

Global Perspectives on Deviance and Social Control Theories

Deviance and Disparity: The Cases of Teenage Homelessness

Ideas in Action: Homeboy Industries


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 8. Labeling Theory

Development of Labeling Theory

How the Labeling Process Works

Labeling and Mental Illness

Labeling and Delinquency

Application of Labeling Theory

Impact of Labeling Theory

Critiques of Labeling Theory

Global Perspectives on Labeling Theory

Deviance and Disparity: When Is Drinking—or Not Drinking—Deviant on College Campuses?

Ideas in Action: The “I Have a Dream” Foundation—Instilling Positive Labels


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 9. Marxist and Conflict Theories of Deviance

Development of Marxist Theory

Development of Conflict Theory

Applications of Marxist and Conflict Theories

Critiques of Marxist and Conflict Theories

Global Perspectives on Deviance and Marxist/Conflict Theories

Deviance and Disparity: Voting Rights, Voter Suppression, Gerrymandering, and Social Media

Voter Suppression and Conflict Theory

Ideas in Action: Voter Registration Drives


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 10. Critical Theories of Deviance

Development of Feminist Criminology

Development of Critical Race Theory

Development of Peacemaking

Critiques of Critical Theories

Global Perspectives on Deviance and Critical Theories

Deviance and Disparity: Human Trafficking—Crossing Boundaries and Borders

Ideas in Action: What Can Be Done About Human Trafficking?


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 11. Societal Responses to Deviance

Medicalization of Deviant Behavior

Policing, Supervision, and the Impact of Incarceration on Disadvantaged Populations and Communities

Total Institutions

Correctional Facilities and the Purposes of Punishment

Gresham Sykes and the Pains of Imprisonment

Juvenile Correctional Facilities

Reentry: Challenges in Returning to the Community After Time in an Institution

Public Fear and Social Control: The Case of Sex Offenders

Collateral Consequences: Effects on Communities and Families

Global Perspectives on the Social Control of Deviance

Deviance and Disparity: How Money Can Matter in Local Jails

Ideas in Action: College Programs in Prisons


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 12. Deviant Careers and Career Deviance

Development of a Deviant Career and Career Deviance Approach

Getting Into Deviance: Onset of a Deviant Career

Risk and Protective Factors for Onset

Escalation, Persistence, and Specialization in Deviance

Sex Offenders: Generalists or Specialists?

The Case of Drinking and Driving

Specialization and General Deviance Is Not Always a Choice

Summary of Career Deviance: Specialists or Generalists?

Getting Out of the Game: Desistance From Career Deviance

Deviance and Disparity: Alcohol Use and Misuse Disparities Among Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Youth

Global Perspectives on Cross-Cultural Interest in Deviant Careers and Career Deviance

Ideas in Action: Programs and Policy From a Career Deviance and Deviant Career Perspective


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

References and Additional Reading


Instructor Resource Site

Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

This was a very very difficult decision. This book is excellent in how it goes well into detail on theories. The only challenge here is there is not enough concrete examples to stick the theories to or compare them too. I have found students want to connect theory to specifics so they make sense.

For instance, no chapter on crime, homicide, domestic violence etc.

Chapters on specific topics that introduce the topic then spend some time comparing and contrasting how the theories previously discussed would have really made this decision easy.

There are some useful examples, but not the conversation back and forth between theories and a topic i thought students would want.

What is hard to walk away from is the inclusion of the critical theories. The book I went with does not include critical theories and will certainly require more work and additional reading to bring those theories into discussion.

Dr Mellissa K Wright
Sociology, Alma College
December 22, 2020
Key features
  • Readings are updated to offer coverage of emerging issues such as the use of social media, misogyny in rap music, terrorism, segregation, immigration, and women's movements.
  • Global examples are integrated into every chapter, exposing students to international perspectives while they are learning the substantive material.
  • Key theoretical concepts are expanded, with new discussions of social constructionist conception, the looking-glass self, multicultural feminism, social control of mental illness, and restorative justice.
  • The new edition explores the influence of the internet on deviance and subcultures and emerging topics such as the use of smartphones and social media, stigma management in the internet age, the #MeToo movement, and the effect of platforms like YouTube.
  • Updated data reflect recent trends and events, including the Trump Administration’s stance on transgender individuals serving in the military, The Unslut Project, and the Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Important topics impacting society and students such as human trafficking, school shootings, and world energy consumption rates are now included.  
  • Introductory vignettes from each chapter are updated to provide a strong starting point for each theory and topic.


  • A unique text/reader format combines substantial original chapters that clearly explain and outline the sociological perspectives on deviance with carefully selected articles from leading academic sources.
  • Deviance in Popular Culture boxes offer examples of deviance in social media, films, and television shows and encourage students to apply the concepts and theories they've learned about the behavior depicted.
  • Deviance and Disparity sections explore the impact of status and inequality on different types of deviance and the reactions to such behavior
  • Ideas in Action sections highlight examples of current policies or programs designed to address deviant behaviors from the perspective(s) covered in each chapter.
  • Now You boxes ask students to apply the material they learned in the chapter to specific questions or examples.
  • Global Perspectives on Deviance sections illustrate the wide range of deviance by covering examples of research, policies, and practices from around the world.
  • The foreword to the book, written by renowned deviance scholar Howard S. Becker, provides an excellent foundation for the study of deviance.

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