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Culturally Proficient Collaboration

Culturally Proficient Collaboration
Use and Misuse of School Counselors

Foreword by Trish Hatch

June 2011 | 200 pages | Corwin

Optimize school counselors and raise your school's cultural competence

The authors make a compelling case for recognizing professional school counselors as leaders of 21st-century change rather than "gatekeepers" of the status quo. Today's school leaders need to acknowledge counselors' value in the necessary work of providing equitable resources and opportunities for children in today's multicultural environment. Aligned with the American School Counseling Association National Model for school counseling programs, Culturally Proficient Collaboration provides a conceptual framework and practical protocols for utilizing school counselors as:

  • Change agents for school improvement
  • Creators of results-based programs
  • Advocates for equity among demographic groups

Included are case stories and reflective activities for building educators' skills in serving as leaders, advocates, collaborators, and systemic-change agents. Readers will find a clearly outlined path for empowering counselors to transform your leadership team and your school for the benefit of all students.

Foreword by Trish Hatch
About the Authors
Part 1. The Changing Role of School Counselor- Schoolwide Leadership
1. A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on School Counseling
Getting Centered

The Intent of This Chapter

Why on Earth do I Need to Know the History of School Counseling?

The Role of Counselor Began in Vocational Guidance

Who Defines the Role of School Counselor?

Counselor as Mental Health Provider

Paradigm Shift: From Reactive Services to Comprehensive Programs

NCLB and Standards-Based School Counseling

Going Deeper

2. 21st Century Counselors Focus on Student Achievement
Getting Centered

The Intent of This Chapter

Times are Changing: The New Role of School Counselor

Counselors Using Data as Catalyst for Transformational Change

Reframing Our Thinking About Data

An Illustration of the Benefits of Counselors Collecting and Analyzing Data

School Counselors as Powerful Leadership Agents of Change

From Gatekeeper to Transformer

Cultural Proficiency Provides a Context

Going Deeper

3. The Tools of Cultural Proficiency Provides a Framework for Collaboration
Getting Centered

Suggested Guidelines as You Consider Cultural Proficiency

Concept of Intentionality

Cultural Proficiency?s Inside-Out Process

Cultural Proficiency: A Paradigm Shift

Cultural Proficiency as a Lens

The Cultural Proficiency Tools

Cultural Proficiency and Counselors

Going Deeper

Part II. Maple View - Sitting in the Fire: A Context for Culturally Proficient Counseling
4. Counselor Collaboration Rubric
Getting Centered

Unpacking the Rubric

Going Deeper

5. Assessing Cultural Knowledge Through Leadership
Getting Centered

Assessing Cultural Knowledge Through Leadership

Using the Rubric: Assessing & Developing Cultural Knowledge through Leadership

Safe School Climate at Maple View Elementary School

Going Deeper

6. Valuing Diversity Through Advocacy
Getting Centered

Valuing Diversity Through Advocacy

Using the Rubric: Valuing Diversity Through Advocacy

Tragedy at Pine View Middle School

Going Deeper

7. Managing the Dynamics of Difference Through Teaming and Collaboration
Getting Centered

Managing the Dynamics of Difference through Teaming and Collaboration

Using the Rubric: Managing the Dynamics of Difference through Teaming and Collaboration

Access Issues at Pine Hills High School

Going Deeper

8. Adapting to Diversity Through Counseling and Coordination
Getting Centered

Adapting to Diversity through Counseling and Coordination

Using the Rubric: Adapting to Diversity through Counseling and Coordination

Pregnancy as an Access Issue at Pine Hills High School

Going Deeper

9. Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge through Assessment and Use of Data
Getting Centered

Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge through Assessment and Use of Data

Using the Rubric: Institutionalizing Cultural Knowledge Through Assessment and Use of Data

Pine View Middle School on Faith and Heterosexism

Part III. Next Steps
10. Sustaining Culturally Proficient Counseling: Developing a Personal Action Plan
Sense of Urgency

The ‘Inside-Out’ Process is for – You, Your School and Your Community

Seven Steps for Providing Equity

Resource A. Maple View School District Vignette Story Board
Resource B. Pine View Middle School Schoolwide Needs Assessment (Teacher Version)
Resource C. Matrix: How to Use Cultural Proficiency Books
Resource D. Online Resources for Educator Use

Culturally Proficient Collaboration is a much-needed contribution to the discussion of our past, current, and future practices in school counseling. This is more than a portrait of the culturally proficient educator, it’s a book about change. A must read for anyone in education.”

Matthew Meyers, Counselor
Los Angeles Unified School District, CA

“At a time when many schools do not seem to know what to do with the growing diversity in their populations, this book offers tools for transforming schools into collaborative cultures of care. Stephens and Lindsey are grounded in current best practices promoted by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the Transforming School Counseling Initiative (TSCI), and they recognize the need for school counselors to understand and use data to promote greater equity, genuine cultural appreciation, and vibrant opportunities for all students.”

Rolla E. Lewis, Associate Professor
California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA

"With this book, the authors have bestowed a significant gift. Counselors, school leaders, and teachers now have a clear map to guide our journeys toward equitable service. And all of us receive leadership with this clear application of cultural proficiency, as we work to apply this conceptual model to our specific areas of service."

John Krownapple, Coordinator for Cultural Proficiency
Howard County Public Schools, Ellicott City, MD

"This is a book that every school counselor, social worker, administrator, and teacher should read and keep on their bookshelves. The authors challenge readers to look within themselves and reflect upon ways they perpetuate and support current counseling practices. The authors leave the reader with a heightened sense of awareness related to Cultural Proficiency Counseling practices and a desire to move beyond traditional methods."

Kimberly Johnson-Burkhalter, Equity and Diversity Educational Consultant
Wichita Public Schools, KS

"Culturally Proficient Collaboration provides a framework for serious reflection for successful implementation of a comprehensive guidance program."

Bob Tyra, Project Director
Los Angeles County Office of Education, Downey, CA

"This timely book from Diana Stephens provides the perfect tool set for teachers, counselors and school leaders. It provides practical strategies for delivering necessary counseling services to the marginalized students who need them the most. An indispensable resource for educators who want to make a difference."

Kyunghae Schwartz, Director of Administrative Support Services
Ventura Unified School District, CA

"A number of factors contribute to our children feeling disconnected within their families, schools and communities. This disconnect in our culture can sometimes end in acts of violence by word or deed. Culturally Proficient Collaboration will help administrators, teachers and counselors maximize their talents and professional training."

Marie Alviz, Counselor
EP Foster Elementary School, Ventura, CA
Key features
  • Based on the premise that 21st century school counselors have a primary role in ensuring equitable resources and opportunities for all demographic groups in schools.
  • Applies the Inside-Out approach to learning that is characteristic of the Cultural Proficiency framework to school leaders, teachers, and counselors and to the counseling function in schools. This will be actualized through the inclusion of the hallmark features of the Cultural Proficiency series: self-assessments, reflective exercises, and running case study.
  • Builds knowledge and skill in the core competencies and essential experiences of exemplary counseling practices, aligned with the American School Counseling Association National Model for school counseling programs.

Sample Materials & Chapters



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ISBN: 9781452269627

ISBN: 9781412986984

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