Criminal Investigation
Sixth Edition
- Steven G. Brandl - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Available with:
January 2025 | 536 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Criminal Investigation, Sixth Edition offers a comprehensive and engaging examination of criminal investigation and the vital role criminal evidence plays in the process. Written in a straightforward manner, the text focuses on the five critical areas essential to understanding criminal investigations: background and contextual issues, criminal evidence, legal procedures, evidence collection procedures, and forensic science. In this brand new edition, author Steven G. Brandl goes beyond a simple how-to on investigative procedures, and draws from fascinating modern research, comprehensive cases, and criminal evidence to demonstrate their importance in the real world of criminal justice, providing students with practical insights into the field of criminal investigation.
About the Author
Chapter 1 The Investigation of Crime
Criminal Investigation, Criminal Evidence, and Forensic Science Defined
Types of Criminal Investigation
Perspectives on the Criminal Investigation Process
Mental Mistakes in Criminal Investigations
Criminal Investigation and the Criminal Justice System
Chapter 2 The History of Criminal Investigation
The Evolution of the Investigative Task: English Developments
American Developments: The First Police Departments and Detectives
American Developments: The Rise of the Professional Police Detective
American Developments: Community Support, Science, and Criminal Investigations
Chapter 3 The Role and Documentation of Evidence in Criminal Investigations
The Basics of Criminal Evidence
Types of Evidence
The Functions of Evidence
Documenting Evidence: The Value and Importance of Investigative Reports
Chapter 4 The Law and Criminal Investigations
Basic Legal Terminology
The Rules and Admissibility of Evidence
Constitutional Requirements for the Collection of Evidence: Search and Seizure
Constitutional Requirements for the Collection of Evidence: The Exclusionary Rule
Constitutional Requirements for the Collection of Evidence: Self-Incrimination
Chapter 5 The Crime Scene, Forensic Evidence, and DNA
The Role of Physical Evidence in Criminal Investigations
The Crime Scene and Its Managment
The Applications of DNA in Criminal Investigations
Biological Evidence and DNA
Other Types of Forensic Evidence
The Role of Crime Laboratories in Criminal Investigations
Chapter 6 Interviews and Eyewitness Identifications
Investigative Interviews
Eyewitnesses Identifications as Evidence
The Memory Process and the Identification Task
Guidelines for the Collection of Eyewitnesses Evidence
Investigative Tools in Interviewing
Chapter 7 Interrogations and Confessions
Investigative Interrogations
Prerequisites for Productive Interrogations
Approaches to Investigative Interrogations Explained
Police Deception in Reid Technique Interrogations
Why Do Suspects Confess, or Falsely Confess?
Investigative Tools in Recognizing Suspects' Deception
Chapter 8 Behavioral Evidence and Crime Analysis
Behavioral Evidence Analysis and Criminal Profiling Defined
Criminal Profiling: The Basics
Criminal Profiling: The Details
Geographic Profiling
Crime Analysis
Chapter 9 Digital Evidence
Digital Evidence Defined
Evidence from Smartphones
Evidence from Other Electronic Devices
Issues in the Collection of Digital Evidence
Chapter 10 Information from Social Media, the Public, Video, Information Networks, and Other Sources
Information from the Public in Criminal Investigations
Video as Evidence in Criminal Investigations
Social Media as a Source of Evidence in Criminal Investigations
Confidential Informants as a Source of Evidence in Criminal Investigations
Gang Intelligence in Criminal Investigations
Electronic Networks as a Source of Evidence in Criminal Investigations
Chapter 11 Death Investigation
Issues in the Investigation of Death: Manner of Death
Patterns and Characteristics of Homicide
Investigative Considerations with Death and Homicide
Major Challenges in Homicide Investigations
Chapter 12 The Investigation of Sex Crimes, Assault, Domestic Violence, and Child Abuse
Varieties and Characteristics of Rape and Other Sexual Assaults
Investigative Considerations with Rape and Other Sexual Assaults
Varieties and Characteristics of Other Assaults
Investigative Considerations with Other Assaults
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Chapter 13 The Investigation of Robbery
Varieties and Characteristics of Robbery
Eyewitnesses Identifications, Alarms, and Video Evidence
Modus Operandi
Physical and Digital Evidence
Other Evidence in Robbery Investigations
Chapter 14 The Investigation of Burglary, Vehicle Theft, Arson, and Other Property Crimes
The Investigation of Burglary
Sources of Evidence in Burglary Investigations
The Investigation of Vehicle Theft
The Investigation of Arson
Responding to the Fire Scene: Initial Investigative Activities
The Investigative of Larceny
Chapter 15 The Investigation of Fraud and Cybercrime
Fraud and Its Investigation
Identity Theft
Check and Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Telephone Scams
Prescription Drug Fraud
Varieties of Cybercrimes and Their Investigation
Child Pornography
Chapter 16 The Presentation of Evidence
The Adversarial Process
Errors in Justice Outcomes
The Value and Importance of Investigative Testimony
The Cross-Examination
Chapter 17 Crime, Intelligence-Led Investigations, Technology, and the Future of Criminal Investigation
The Crime Situation
The New Technology of Criminal Investigation
Appendix: Capstone Case
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