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Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

January 2024 | 768 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Written for the undergraduate and graduate future practitioner, Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation will provide an overview of how counseling exists within the correctional environment, both in institutional settings and community-based settings. Author Robert D. Hanser, recognized for both scholarship and practice in correctional mental health treatment, uniquely positions this text to offer a real-world, practitioner focused approach to the topic.  

Correctional Counseling, Treatment, and Rehabilitation approaches the reader with the presumption that there is a basic understanding of issues in corrections, however there is not any true exposure to offender treatment. Explaining the techniques and processes that are utilized in the actual treatment process, this text will equip all future correctional practitioners with an understanding of basic concepts within correctional counseling and treatment that are up-to-date and relevant to the world of practitioners. With a hands-on approach, this new text will guide students through how to apply this material throughout.

Chapter 1: Correctional Counseling, the Role of the Correctional Counselor, and Social Justice Issues with Correctional Clients
Chapter 2: Legal, Ethical, and Cross-Cultural Issues
Chapter 3: Assessment, Diagnosis, Classification, & Case Management
Chapter 4: Basic Rapport-Building & Implementation
Chapter 5: Person Centered Treatment Planning
Chapter 6: Common Theoretical Counseling Perspectives
Chapter 7: Family Systems
Chapter 8: Group Therapy
Chapter 9: Trauma Disorders and Trauma Treatment
Chapter 10: Substance Abuse Counseling & Co-occurring disorders
Chapter 11: Youth Counseling
Chapter 12: Anger Management and Domestic Abuse Counseling/Facilitating
Chapter 13: Gender-Specific Counseling
Chapter 14: Clients Convicted of Sex Crimes
Chapter 15: Older People, Dying/Grief/Mourning, & Suicide Issues
Chapter 16: Evaluation, Effectiveness & Recidivism


Instructor Resource Site

Instructor Resource Site 
Online resources included with this text 
The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides. 
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Key features
  • A strong emphasis on the DSM-V and its application to the field of corrections.  These update are crucial to the field and will make this text more current and relevant than others on the market.
  • A strong emphasis on assessment and classification. Classification for security and treatment purposes will be detailed and referred to throughout numerous areas of the text. The goal is to demonstrate to the student the underlying organization that exists within most correctional systems and how that impacts treatment and counseling.
  • A strong integration of treatment planning with service delivery. This aspect of the correctional counseling process deserves specific emphasis because it is germane to all forms of correctional treatment.
  • A chapter on trauma treatment (including PTSD, of course) for all genders will be provided. This is increasingly recognized as a co-occurring disorder/issue within the offender treatment community. It has become so commonly accepted that it is nearly impossible to discuss latent issues in mental health service delivery without at least considering trauma as a contributory antecedent service delivery. 
  • Numerous categories of offenders. In addition to providing common approaches to treatment delivery, this text will also address the various issues associated with specialized offender typologies. In particular, female offenders, geriatric offenders, and mentally ill offenders will be given specialized attention.
  • Learning objectives to begin each chapter, which serve as cues for easy assessment of learning 
  • Case Vignettes, which provide a sense of realism in discussing the issues encountered within the correctional system
  • Focus Topics to add depth and detail to subject matter as well as reinforce learning objectives
  • Discussion Questions at the end of each chapter, correlated to learning objectives, prompting critical thinking and discussion from the student
  • Key Terms at the end of each chapter and and end-of-text Glossary to ensure students understand the basics of corrections and correctional counseling

Sage College Publishing

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