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Business & Society

Business & Society

Founded at Roosevelt University

eISSN: 15524205 | ISSN: 00076503 | Current volume: 64 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

Business & Society aims to be the leading, peer-reviewed outlet for scholarly work dealing specifically with the intersection of business and society. We publish research that develops, tests and refines theory, and which enhances our understanding of important societal issues and their relation to business.

The journal is built on the following aspirations:

Openness to diversity. We publish conceptual, empirical and normative research, based on a variety of disciplinary lenses and methodological approaches.

A review process that ensures scholarly excellence not simply conformity to the status quo. We aim to publish innovative work, which at times may deviate from the mainstream of management research by challenging assumptions and/or providing thought-provoking perspectives. However, it will always meet high standards of quality.

Timely decision making on submissions. Authors will be provided with decisions on the publishability of their manuscripts at the earliest possible occasion. Our goal is for the majority of published papers to have received a decision on publishability after the first revision has been evaluated.

Founded in 1960, Business & Society was the first journal exclusively dedicated to publishing research in the field of business and society. It is the official journal of the International Association of Business and Society.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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Business & Society publishes new scholarship based on original research. The journal will consider a wide range of theoretical, empirical (quantitative and qualitative), normative, and methodological submissions. The journal publishes both full-length articles and shorter-length research notes. Commentary pieces and rejoinders are considered on an individual basis.

The scope of business and society scholarship is quite broad, but all papers should in a substantial way address the societal role, impacts and intersections of and with business. Relevant subjects include: business and global governance, business and public policy, business ethics, business-government relations, corporate governance, corporate political activity, corporate social performance, corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, environmental management, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, stakeholder management.

Hari Bapuji The University of Melbourne, Australia
Colin Higgins Deakin University, Australia
Deputy Editors
Punit Arora City University of New York, USA
Nelarine Cornelius Queen Mary University of London, UK
Céline Louche The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Rajat Panwar Oregon State University, USA
Associate Editors
Joshua Ault Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Bobby Banerjee City,University of London, UK
Maoliang Bu Nanjing University, China
Itziar Castello City,University of London, UK
Charles Cho York University, Canada
Michael Cummings University of Arkansas, USA
Frederik Dahlmann University of Warwick, UK
Gopal Das Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
Laura Marie Edinger-Schons University of Mannheim, Germany
Michael Etter King’s College London, UK
Naomi Gardberg Baruch College, USA
Verena Girshik Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Johanne Grosvold University of Bath, UK
Tobias Hahn ESADE, Spain
Laura Illia University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Arun Kumar King’s College London, UK
Jegoo Lee University of Rhode Island, USA
Danae Manika Brunel University, UK
Alfred Marcus University of Minnesota, USA
Emilio Marti Erasmus University, Netherlands
Sébastien Mena Hertie School, Germany
Barry M. Mitnick University of Pittsburgh, USA
Alan Muller University of Groningen, Netherlands
Collins Ntim Southampton Business School, UK
K Praveen Parboteeah University of Wisconsin Whitewater, USA
Simon Pek University of Victoria, Canada
Israr Qureshi Australian National University, Australia
Hussain Rammal University of Adelaide, Australia
Sukhbir Sandhu University of South Australia, Australia
Judith Schrempf-Stirling University of Geneva, Switzerland
Elke Schüßler Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Lea Stadtler Grenoble Ecole de Management, France
Devi Vijay Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
Consulting Editors
Frank de Bakker IÉSEG School of Management, France
Gokhan Ertug Singapore Management University
Johanna Mair Hertie School & Stanford University, USA
Mette Morsing University of Oxford
Kathleen Rehbein Marquette University, USA
Editorial Board
Joao Albino-Pimentel University of South Carolina, USA
Paolo Antonetti NEOMA Business School, France
Moritz Appels Erasmus University, Netherlands
Daniel Arenas ESADE, Spain
Shawn Berman University of New Mexico, USA
Frances Bowen Queen Mary University of London, UK
Steven Brammer University of Bath, UK
Jonathan Bundy Arizona State University, USA
Rashedur Chowdhury University of Essex, UK
Cynthia E. Clark Bentley University, USA
Philip L. Cochran Indiana University, USA
Nicolas Dahan California State University, Monterey Bay, USA
Peter Darke York University, Canada
Gaston de la Reyes George Washington School of Business, USA
Krzystof Dembek Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Nikolay A. Dentchev HUBrussel and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Robbin Derry University of Lethbridge, Canada
Silvia Dorado-Banaloche University of Massachusetts, USA
Paul Dunn Brock University, Canada
Heather Elms American University, USA
Fabrizio Ferraro University of Navarra, Spain
Adam Fremeth Western University, Canada
Jeffrey Frooman University of New Brunswick, Canada
Yuka Fujimoto Sunway Business School, Malaysia
Markus Giesler York University, Canada
Sarah Glozer University of Bath, UK
Jean-Pascal Gond Bayes Business School, UK
Jennifer Griffin Loyola University, USA
Wencke Gwozdz University of Giessen, Germany
Michael Hadani St. Mary’s College of California, USA
Rüdiger Hahn Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Anna Hannula Tampere University, Finland
Olga Hawn University of North Carolina, USA
Irene Henriques Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
Vanessa Hill University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Bryan Husted EGADE, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Ming Jia Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Michael Johnson-Cramer Ithaca College, USA
Aloysius Newenham- Kahindi University of Victoria
Ans Kolk University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Daniel Korschun Drexel University, USA
Arno Kourula University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lucas Amaral Lauriano IESEG France
David Levy University of Massachusetts, USA
Helena Li UTS Business School, Australia
Haiying Lin Northern Illinois University, USA
Martina Linnenluecke University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Jeanne M. Logsdon University of New Mexico, USA
Karen Maas Open University, Netherlands
Michael Maloni Kennesaw State University, USA
François Maon IÉSEG School of Management, France
Valentina Marano Northeastern University, USA
Jose Carlos Marques University of Ottawa, Canada
Daniel Matisoff Georgia Tech University, USA
Dirk Matten York University, Canada
Daina Mazutis University of Ottawa, Canada
Lauren McCarthy Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Raza Mir William Paterson University, USA
Ronald Mitchell Texas Tech University, USA
Dirk Moosmayer Nottingham University, UK
Ben Neville University of Melbourne, Australia
Ernesto Noronha Indian Institute of Management, India
Amy O'Connor University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA
Tricia Olsen University of Denver, USA
Guido Palazzo University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Karen Paul Florida International University, USA
John Peloza University of Kentucky, USA
Kam Phung Simon Fraser University, Canada
Jonatan Pinske University of Manchester, UK
Lutz Preuss KEDGE Business School, France
Patricia Gabaldon Quinones IE Business School, Spain
Cristian Ramirez Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Andreas Rasche Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jorge Rivera The George Washington University, USA
Francesco Rosati Kings College, UK
Lori Ryan San Diego State University, USA
Sybille Sachs University of Applied Sciences in Business and Administration, Zurich, Switzerland
Andreas Scherer University of Zurich, Switzerland
Doug Schuler Rice University, USA
Ali Shahzad James Madison University, USA
Mark Sharfman University of Oklahoma, USA
Christine Shropshire Arizona State University
Michelle Shumate Northwestern University, USA
Mika Skippari University of Tampere, Finland
Vivek Soundararajan University of Bath, UK
Robert Sroufe Duquesne University, USA
Sarah Stephen University of Liverpool, UK
Valerie Swaen Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Jorge Tarzijan Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile
Peter Tashman University of Massachusetts –Lowell, USA
Hannah Trittin-Ulbrich University of Luneburg, Germany
Pushpika Vaishwanathan University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Michael Valente York University, Canada
Harry van Burren University of St. Thomas, USA
Daniel Wager Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, Canada
James Weber Duquesne University, USA
Timothy Werner University of Texas-Austin, USA
Glen Whelan ESG UQAM, Canada
Christopher Wickert Vrije Universiteit
Alberto Willi IAE Business School, Argentina
Donna J. Wood University of Northern Iowa, USA
Juelin Yin Sun Yat-sen University, China
Blog Editor
Sarah Stephen University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Social Media Editor
José-Carlos García-Rosell University of Oulu, Finland
Former Editors
Jill Brown Bentley University, USA
Andrew Crane School of Management, University of Bath, UK
Frank de Bakker IÉSEG School of Management, France
Gilbert R. Ghez Roosevelt University, USA
Irene Henriques Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada
Bryan Husted EGADE, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Thomas M. Jones University of Washington, USA
Douglas F. Lamont DePaul University, USA
Jeanne M. Logsdon University of New Mexico, USA
John F. Mahon University of Maine, Orono, USA
Ann B. Matasar Roosevelt University, USA
Dirk Matten York University, Canada
Kathleen Rehbein Marquette University, USA
Brian Reynolds Roosevelt University, USA
Andrew Spicer University of South Carolina, USA
Richard Thain University of Plymouth, UK
Jennifer L. Wagner Roosevelt University, USA
Steven L. Wartick University of Northern Iowa, USA
James B. Webber Independent Management Consultant, New Hampshire
Paul Wellen Roosevelt University, USA
Bismarck S. Williams Roosevelt University, USA
Duane Windsor Rice University, USA
Donna J. Wood University of Pittsburgh, USA
Brandel L. Works Roosevelt University, USA
Russell E. Yerkes Roosevelt University, USA
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