British Journalism Review
"A service to all in journalism," Sir Harry Evans
"British Journalism Review is a unique forum for debate about the British Press. Its extended essays and interviews enable it to reach the parts of journalism that newspaper media pages cannot reach," Brian MacArthur, Media Commentator
"The British Journalism Review is a well-regarded publication, admirably devoid of corporate swank and uninfected by partisan connections to any one newspaper group," Quentin Letts, Daily Mail columnist
“As it continues to assume increasing importance in our culture, journalism more than ever needs critical analysis and serious debate. There are very few places in which such discussion can now take place in an accessible way. British Journalism Review is one of them.” Philip Schlesinger, University of Glasgow.
British Journalism Review is a forum for analysis and debate, to monitor the media, submit the best as well as the worst to scrutiny, and to raise the level of the dialogue. It is intended to appeal not only to journalists, whether in newspapers, radio and television, or online, but also to media academics and students and to everyone who cares about communication.
All issues of British Journalism Review are available to browse online.
British Journalism Review is a forum for analysis and debate, to monitor the media, submit the best as well as the worst to scrutiny, and to raise the level of the dialogue. It is intended to appeal not only to journalists, whether in newspapers, radio and television, or online, but also to media academics and students and to everyone who cares about communication.
Kim Fletcher | UK |
Steven Barnett | University of Westminster |
Sir Geoffrey Bindman | University College London and London South Bank University, UK |
Ivor Gaber | City University, UK |
Roy Greenslade | City University, UK |
Bill Hagerty | UK |
Fiona Hamilton | UK |
Margaret Hill | UK |
Joy Johnson | UK |
Jemima Kiss | USA |
Jane Martinson | UK |
Sue Matthias | UK |
Julian Petley | Brunel University, UK, UK |
Wendy Sloane | UK |
Liz Vercoe | UK |
Sarah Whitehead | Sky, UK |
Emma Youle | UK |
Jemima Kiss | California, USA |
Bill Hagerty | UK |
Proposals for articles should be emailed to the editor, Kim Fletcher:
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