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Minna Logemann Baruch College, The City University of New York, USA

Minna Logemann is Assistant Professor of Global Corporate Communication at the Baruch College, The City University of New York. Her research foci comprise strategic transformations, organizational communication, and virtual teams in global organizations. Her work has been published in British Journal of Educational Technology, Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Long Range Planning, Critical Perspectives on International Business, and Journal of Organizational Ethnography, and as book chapters in Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace (Hershey, PA: IGI Global) and Corporate Communication: Transformation of Strategy and Practice through Understanding the Influence of Intangibles, Digital Technologies, Big and Alternative Data, Uncertainty, Demographics (New York: Peter Lang). She received her doctoral degree (D. Sc. Econ.) in international business communication from the Aalto University, School of Business, in Helsinki in 2014. She teaches undergraduate and graduate students at Baruch College, New York City, as well as in executive education programs internationally. Prior joining the academia, she worked for more than 20 years as a management practitioner in multinational organizations in Finland, the UK and in in the USA.