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Mario Cardano University of Turin, Italy

Mario Cardano is a Full professor in Qualitative Methods for Social Research and Sociology of Health in the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society – Turin University (Italy). He is also an Adjunct Professor of the Nursing Faculty of the University of Pelotas – Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and of the Post-Graduate Program in Health Sciences, University of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais (Brazil) as well as the  Director of the PhD school of Health Sciences at the University of Turin. His research interests are focused on two areas: the methodology of social sciences and the sociology of health. Studies related to the first area concentrate on the methods and epistemology of qualitative research and the use of argumentation theory to improve the rigour of this research approach. In the second area, the sociology of health, his interests are directed toward trust in health care, mental health, and vaccination policies. The scientific work that best represents his approach to qualitative research is Defending Qualitative Research. Design, Analysis, and Textualization, published by Routledge in 2020 and translated into Italian and Portuguese.