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Alexander Styhre Gothenburg University, Sweden

Alexander Styhre received his PhD in Business Administration from Lund School of Economics and Management, Lund University. Alexander’s research interest covers a wide area of issues pertaining to the management of knowledge-intensive companies, for instance, organization learning, creativity and knowledge sharing. Alexander has conducted research in companies such as AstraZeneca, Ericsson, Volvo Car Corporation, and PEAB and a number of smaller construction firms, in most cases in a collaborative research setting. Alexander has published papers in the domains of knowledge management, human resource management, organization learning, and research methodology. His recent books include The innovative bureaucracy: Bureaucracy in an age of fluidity (2007, Routledge), Intersektionalitet och organisation (Liber, 2007. Co-authored with Ulla Ericsson-Zetterquist), Managing organization creativity: Critique and practices (2005, Palgrave. Co-authored with Mats Sundgren), and Management writing out of bounds: Writing after postcolonialism (2005, Liber & Copenhagen Business School Press) (for full list of publications, see ). Alexander is member of the editorial board of Scandinavian Journal of Management and International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies.