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Asian Business and Management

Asian Business and Management

Eight Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2012 | 3 064 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Much of our existing knowledge about business and management has evolved in the West, but the emergence of Asian firms as major players in the world economy is challenging business and management scholars to widen their focus.

Asia represents a major source of variations in structure, behavior and context – from cultural, institutional and political to social and economic. This affords new opportunities for testing existing theories of business and management and for driving the development of new ones. Japan has already provided a precedent for this, with much of the current state of the art in technology and operations management resting on Japanese management foundations.

This major work presents a collection of seminal works on Asian business and management, carefully chosen by the editor on the basis of impact and expert nominations.

The set consolidates key contributions from diverse sources and organizes articles by themes to enable better understanding of key areas. The editor's introduction reviews the included articles and identifies major streams of research within each theme.

L.T. Brown A.M. Rugman and A. Verbeke
Japanese Joint Ventures with Western Multinationals
Synthesizing the Economic and Cultural Explanations of Failure

P. Dussauge, B. Garrette and W. Mitchell
Learning from Competing Partners
Outcomes and Durations of Scale and Link Alliances in Europe, North America and Asia

J.L. Johnson et al
Setting the Stage for Trust and Strategic Integration in Japanese-U.S. Co-Operative Alliances
J.T. Li et al
Building Effective International Joint Venture Leadership Teams in China
J.R. Lincoln, M.L. Gerlach and C.L. Ahmadjian
Keiretsu Networks and Corporate Performance in Japan
S.S. Lui and H.Y. Ngo
The Role of Trust and Contractual Safeguards on Co-Operation in Non-Equity Alliances
S. Makino and P.W. Beamish
Performance and Survival of Joint Ventures with Non-Conventional Ownership Structures
S. Makino and A. Delios
Local Knowledge Transfer and Performance
Implications for Alliance Formation in Asia

J. Oxley and T. Wada
Alliance Structure and the Scope of Knowledge Transfer
Evidence from U.S.-Japan Agreements

Y.G. Pan
Influences on Foreign Equity Ownership Level in Joint Ventures in China
E.W.K. Tsang
Acquiring Knowledge by Foreign Partners from International Joint Ventures in a Transition Economy
Learning-by-Doing and Learning Myopia

D.K. Tse, Y.G. Pan and K.Y. Au
How MNCs Choose Entry Modes and Form Alliances
The China Experience

A. Yan and B. Gray
Antecedents and Effects of Parent Control in International Joint Ventures
A.M. Yan and B. Gray
Bargaining Power, Management Control and Performance in U.S.- China Joint Ventures
A Comparative Case Study

A.H. Amsden and T. Hikino
Project Execution Capability, Organizational Know-How and Conglomerate Corporate Growth I Late Industrialization
M. Carney and E. Gedajlovic
The Co-Evolution of Institutional Environments and Organizational Strategies
The Rise of Family Business Groups in the Asian Region

S.J. Chang and J. Hong
Economic Performance of Group-Affiliated Companies in Korea
Intragroup Resource-Sharing and Internal Business Transactions

M.F. Guillen
Structural Inertia, Imitation and Foreign Expansion
South Korean Firms and Business Groups in China, 1987-95

L.A. Keister
Engineering Growth
Business Group Structure and Firm Performance in China's Transition Economy

T. Khanna and J.W. Rivkin
Estimating the Performance Effects of Business Groups in Emerging Markets
K. Lee and M.W. Peng
From Diversification Premium to Diversification Discount during Institutional Transitions
C. L. Ahmadjian and G.E. Robbins
A Clash of Capitalisms
Foreign Shareholders and Corporate Restructuring in 1990s Japan

S. Claessens and J.P.H. Fan
Corporate Governance in Asia
A Survey

M.W. Peng
Outside Directors and Firm Performance during Institutional Transitions
Alice H. Amsden
Asia's Next Giant
South Korea and Late Industrialization

N.W. Biggart and M.F. Guillen
Developing Difference
Social Organization and the Rise of the Auto Industries of South Korea, Taiwan, Spain and Argentina

M. Boisot and J. Child
From Fiefs to Clans and Network Capitalism
Explaining China's Emerging Economic Order

J. Child
Context, Comparison and Methodology in Chinese Management Research
A. Delios and W.J. Henisz
Political Hazards, Experience and Sequential Entry Strategies
The International Expansion of Japanese Firms, 1980-1998

R. Dore
Will Global Capitalism Be Anglo-Saxon Capitalism?
A. Griffiths and R.F. Zammuto
Institutional Governance Systems and Variations in National Competitive Advantage
An Integrative Framework

Gary G. Hamilton and Nicole Woolsey Biggart
Market, Culture and Authority
A Comparative Analysis of Management and Organization in the Far East

M.A.D. Hitt et al
The Institutional Effects on Strategic Alliance Partner Selection in Transition Economies
China versus Russia

V. Nee
Organizational Dynamics of Market Transition
Hybrid Forms, Property Rights and Mixed Economy in China

M.W. Peng, D.Y.L. Wang and Y. Jiang
An Institution-Based View of International Business Strategy
A Focus on Emerging Economies

Gordon Redding and Michael A. Witt
Chinese Business Systems and the Challenges of Transition
O. Shenkar and M.A. Von Glinow
Paradoxes of Organizational Theory and Research
Using the Case of China to Illustrate National Contingency

J.J. Tan and R.J. Litschert
Environment-Strategy Relationship and Its Performance Implications
An Empirical Study of the Chinese Electronics Industry

R.D. Whitley
The Social Construction of Business Systems in East Asia
P.C. Earley
Self or Group
Cultural Effects of Training on Self-Efficacy and Performance

J.F. Hennart and J. Larimo
The Impact of Culture on the Strategy of Multinational Enterprises
Does National Origin Affect Ownership Decisions?

G. Hofstede
Cultural Dimensions in Management and Planning
B.L. Kirkman, K.B. Lowe and C.B. Gibson
A Quarter Century of Culture's Consequences
A Review of Empirical Research Incorporating Hofstede's Cultural Values Framework

H.R. Markus and S. Kitayama
Culture and the Self
Implications for Cognition, Emotion and Motivation

R.E. Nelson and S. Gopalan
Do Organizational Cultures Replicate National Cultures?
Isomorphism, Rejection and Reciprocal Opposition in the Corporate Values of Three Countries

Y. Paul Huo and D.M. Randall
Exploring Subcultural Differences in Hofstede's Value Survey
The Case of the Chinese

D.A. Ralston et al
The Impact of National Culture and Economic Ideology on Managerial Work Values
A Study of the United States, Russia, Japan and China

S. Gordon Redding
The Chinese Family Business
C.M. Riordan and R.J. Vandenberg
A Central Question in Cross-Cultural Research
Do Employees of Different Cultures Interpret Work-Related Measures in an Equivalent Manner?

B. Wilkinson
Culture, Institutions and Business in East Asia
A. Michael Witt and S. Gordon Redding
Culture, Meaning and Institutions
Executive Rationale in Germany and Japan

E.O. Wright, J. Baxter, and G.E. Birkelund
The Gender Gap in Workplace Authority
A Cross-National-Study

Part Entry
H. Chen and T.J. Chen
Network Linkages and Location Choice in Foreign Direct Investment
A. Delios and P.W. Beamish
Ownership Strategy of Japanese Firms
Transactional, Institutional and Experience Influences

T. Isobe, S. Makino and D.B. Montgomery
Resource Commitment, Entry Timing and Market Performance of Foreign Direct Investments in Emerging Economies
The Case of Japanese International Joint Ventures in China

Y.D. Luo
Determinants of Entry in an Emerging Economy
A Multilevel Approach

K.E. Meyer and H.V. Nguyen
Foreign Investment Strategies and Subnational Institutions in Emerging Markets
Evidence from Vietnam

Y.G. Pan and D.K. Tse
The Hierarchical Model of Market Entry Modes
C.Q. Wang, J. Clegg and M. Kafouros
Country-of-Origin Effects of Foreign Direct Investment
M.M. Appleyard
How Does Knowledge Flow? Inter-Firm Patterns in the Semiconductor Industry
L. Kim
Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning
Capability-Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor

H.Y. Li and K. Atuahene-Gima
Product Innovation Strategy and the Performance of New Technology Ventures in China
Y.D. Luo and M.W. Peng
Learning to Compete in a Transition Economy
Experience, Environment and Performance

M.Y. Zhao
Conducting R&D in Countries with Weak Intellectual Property Rights Protection
R.S. Bhagat, A.S. McDevitt and I. McDevitt
On Improving the Robustness of Asian Management Theories
Theoretical Anchors in the Era of Globalization

N.A. Boyacigiller and N.J. Adler
The Parochial Dinosaur
Organizational Science in a Global Context

G.D. Bruton and C.M. Lau
Asian Management Research
Status Today and Future Outlook

Michael Carney, Eric Gedajlovic and Xiaohua Yang
Varieties of Asian Capitalism
Toward an Institutional Theory of Asian Enterprise

J.H. Dunning and S.M. Lundan
Institutions and the Oli Paradigm of the Multinational Enterprise
R.E. Hoskisson et al
Strategy in Emerging Economies
K.E. Meyer
Asian Management Research Needs More Self-Confidence
M.R. Mullen
Diagnosing Measurement Equivalence in Cross-National Research
S. Gordon Redding
The Thick Description and Comparison of Societal Systems of Capitalism
A.M. Rugman and A. Verbeke
A Perspective on Regional and Global Strategies of Multinational Enterprises
P.J. Buckley et al
The Determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment
J. Child and S.B. Rodrigues
The Internationalization of Chinese Firms
A Case for Theoretical Extension?

H.J. Jo and J.S. You
Transferring Production Systems
An Institutionalist Account of Hyundai Motor Company in the United States

Masahiko Aoki
Information, Incentives and Bargaining in the Japanese Economy
J. Bae and J.J. Lawler
Organizational and HRM Strategies in Korea
Impact on Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy

I. Bjorkman and X.C. Fan
Human Resource Management and the Performance of Western Firms in China
A. Chan
Globalization, China's Free (Read Bonded) Labour Market and the Chinese Trade Unions
D.G. Collings, H. Scullion and M.J. Morley
Changing Patterns of Global Staffing in the Multinational Enterprise
Challenges to the Conventional Expatriate Assignment and Emerging Alternatives

Ronald Philip Dore
British Factory, Japanese Factory
The Origins of National Diversity in Industrial Relations

T. Edwards and S. Kuruvilla
International HRM
National Business Systems, Organizational Politics and the International Division of Labour in MNCs

D.C. Feldman and D.C. Thomas
Career Management Issues Facing Expatriates
S.J. Frenkel
Globalization, Athletic Footwear Commodity Chains and Employment Relations in China
J. Gamble
Transferring Human Resource Practices from the United Kingdom to China
The Limits and Potential for Convergence

C. Ichniowski and K. Shaw
The Effects of Human Resource Management Systems on Economic Performance
An International Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Plants

M.M. Montoya-Weiss, A.P. Massey and M. Song
Getting It Together
Temporal Co-Ordination and Conflict Management in Global Virtual Teams

L. Van Dyne and S. Ang
Organizational, Citizenship Behavior of Contingent Workers in Singapore
C.J.H. Zhu, S.B. Thomson and H. De Cieri
A Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of HRM Research in Chinese Firms
Implications and Directions for Future Study

P.S. Aulakh, M. Kotabe and A. Sahay
Trust and Performance in Cross-Border Marketing Partnerships
A Behavioral Approach

M. Bensaou and N. Venkatraman
Configurations of Inter-Organizational Relationships
A Comparison between U.S. and Japanese Automakers

J.H. Dyer
Effective Inter-Firm Collaboration
How Firms Minimize Transaction Costs and Maximize Transaction Value

J.H. Dyer and W. J. Chu
The Role of Trustworthiness in Reducing Transaction Costs and Improving Performance
Empirical Evidence from the United States, Japan and Korea

M.A. Hitt, H.U. Lee and E. Yucel
The Importance of Social Capital to the Management of Multinational Enterprises
Relational Networks among Asian and Western Firms

L. Huff and L. Kelley
Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist versus Collectivist Societies
A Seven-Nation Study

S.L. Lovett, C. Simmons and R. Kali
Guanxi versus the Market
Ethics and Efficiency

S.H. Park and Y.D. Luo
Guanxi and Organizational Dynamics
Organizational Networking in Chinese Firms

M.W. Peng and P.S. Heath
The Growth of the Firm in Planned Economies in Transition
Institutions, Organizations and Strategic Choice

M.W. Peng and Y.D. Luo
Managerial Ties and Firm Performance in a Transition Economy
The Nature of a Micro-Macro Link

Mari Sako
Price, Quality and Trust
Inter-Firm Relations in Britain and Japan

Z.X. Xiao and A.S. Tsui
When Brokers May Not Work
The Cultural Contingency of Social Capital in Chinese High-Tech Firms

K.R. Xin and J.L. Pearce
Connections as Substitutes for Formal Institutional Support

M.M.H. Yang
The Resilience of Guanxi and Its New Deployments
A Critique of Some New Guanxi Scholarship


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ISBN: 9781446200254