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50 Teaching and Learning Approaches

50 Teaching and Learning Approaches
Simple, easy and effective ways to engage learners and measure their progress

January 2020 | 160 pages | Learning Matters
This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 teaching and learning approaches and explores how they work in practice by taking an honest look at the advantages and disadvantages of each one. For each approach, the authors include in-practice examples taken from a range of teaching contexts. The text also offers clear support for teachers on how they can assess learners' progress when using each approach. This focus on the need to see and measure the learning that is taking place supports the reader to concentrate on the learning and not be distracted with the newness of different approaches.

1. Analogue versus digital
2. Bingo
3. Board rotation
4. Brainstorming
5. Break it up
6. Buzz groups
7. Card activities
8. Case study
9. Catchphrase
10. Charades
11. Concept mapping
12. Debates
13. Demonstration
14. Discovery
15. Field trip
16. Find your match
17. Flipped classroom
18. Guess who or what
19. Guest speakers
20. Half and half
21. Hot potato
22. Inner and outer circles
23. Interleaving
24. Jigsaw puzzle
25. Labelling
26. Learner presentation
27. Live lecture
28. Mind mapping
29. Newspaper article or blog
30. Online quizzes, discussions and surveys
31. Optimists and pessimists
32. Peer review
33. Picture prompt
34. Quescussion
35. Question bowl
36. Rhyme and rap
37. Role play
38. Simulation
39. Snowballing
40. Textbook challenge
41. Think, pair and share
42. Three minute paper
43. Three two one
44. True or False
45. TV commercial
46. Walking in your shoes
47. Watch, summarise and question
48. Whip round
49. Who wants to be a millionaire?
50. Worksheet

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781526489470

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