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Talking about Organization Science

Talking about Organization Science
Debates and Dialogue From Crossroads

February 2000 | 336 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

This book features some of the most informative and provocative articles to appear in the Crossroads section of Organizational Science. Crossroads is devoted to the publication of papers intended to stimulate conversations across different disciplines, perspectives, and orientations. Written by outstanding scholars, the themes of the book cover a wide range of issues at the heart of the study of organizations. These include debates over the role of economics in strategic management research and the now classic exchanges between Jeff Pfeffer and John Van Maanen over the direction of organizational science studies; discourses that describe, analyze and critique ways to present and understand organizations, including a re-appraisal of Gibson Burrell and Gareth Morgan's seminal work on sociological paradigms of organizational analysis and views on (organizational) culture expressed by several leading writers on the topic: It includes dialogues on some quite radical or unusual "takes" on organizational life: the role of the tempered radical or unusual "takes" on organizational life: the role of the tempered radical, working inside the organization for fundamental change; the dilemmas facing individuals publishing qualitative research in main stream journals; the implications of adopting a spiritual lens to the study of organizations; and a discussion of ways we might better bridge the gap between academic thinking and business practice.

The articles reveal the authors' depth of knowledge and passion for their subject. They are an ideal source of information and insight, for both new and mature scholars. These debates can serve as an excellent basis to spark enlightened and enjoyable conversations in research seminars and are very useful for informal study.

Paul M Hirsch, Ray Friedman and Mitchell P Koza
Collaboration or Paradigm Shift?
Caveat Emptor and the Risk of Romance with Economic Models for Strategy and Policy Research

William S Hesterly and Todd Zenger
The Myth of a Monolithic Economics
Fundamental Assumptions and the Use of Economic Models in Policy and Strategy Research

Jeffrey Pfeffer
Barriers to the Advance of Organization Science
Paradigm Development as a Dependent Variable

John Van Maanen
Style as Theory
Jeffrey Pfeffer
Mortality Reproducibility and the Persistence of Styles of Theory
John Van Maanen
Fear and Loathing in Organization Studies
Gibson Burrell and Gareth Morgan
Two Dimensions
Four Paradigms

Stanley Deetz
Describing Differences in Approaches to Organization Science
Rethinking Burrell and Morgan and Their Legacy

Walter R Nord and Ann F Connell
From Quicksand to Crossroads
An Agnostic Perspective on Conversation

James March and Robert Sutton
Organizational Performance as a Dependent Variable
Dvora Yanow et al
Writing Organizational Tales
Four Authors and Their Stories about Culture

John M Jermier and Stewart R Clegg
Critical Issues in Organization Science
A Dialogue (Part One)

Debra Meyerson and Maureen Scully
Tempered Radicalism and the Politics of Ambivalence and Change
Robert I Sutton
The Virtues of Closet Qualitative Research
John M Jermier and Stewart R Clegg
Critical Issues in Organization Science
A Dialogue (Part Two)

Philip H Mirvis
"Soul Work" in Organizations
Bridging Academia and Business
A Conversation with Steve Kerr


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ISBN: 9780761915652

ISBN: 9780761915669