Jan-Erik Lane and Murray Faure
Joh J van Tonder
The Salient Features of the Interim Constitution
Dirk Kotz[ac]e
The New South African Constitution
Robert Schrire
The President and the Executive
Kierin O'Malley
The Constitutional Court
Murray Faure
The Electoral System
Susan Botha
South Africa's Party System
Marie Muller
South Africa's Changing External Relations
Deon Fourie
The New South Africa and the Armed Forces
Dirk J Brynard
Administrative Justice in the Public Service
A Public Administration Interpretation of Section 24 of the Constitution
Louwrens Pretorius
Relations between State, Capital and Labor in South Africa
Pierre Hugo
The Politics of Affirmative Action in the Old and the New South Africa
Robert Cameron
The Reconstruction and Development Programme
Andr[ac]e Louw
South Africa's Constitutional Development
Hennie Kotz[ac]e
The New Parliament
Transforming the Westminster Heritage