Semantic Web
– Interoperability, Usability, ApplicabilityThe journal Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability is an international and interdisciplinary journal bringing together researchers from various fields which share the vision and need for more effective and meaningful ways to share information across agents and services on the future Internet and elsewhere.
As such, Semantic Web technologies shall support the seamless integration of data, on-the-fly composition and interoperation of Web services, as well as more intuitive search engines. The semantics – or meaning – of information, however, cannot be defined without a context, which makes personalization, trust and provenance core topics for Semantic Web research.
The journal Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability is an international and interdisciplinary journal bringing together researchers from various fields which share the vision and need for more effective and meaningful ways to share information across agents and services on the future Internet and elsewhere.
As such, Semantic Web technologies shall support the seamless integration of data, on-the-fly composition and interoperation of Web services, as well as more intuitive search engines. The semantics – or meaning – of information, however, cannot be defined without a context, which makes personalization, trust and provenance core topics for Semantic Web research.
New retrieval paradigms, user interfaces and visualization techniques have to unleash the power of the Semantic Web and at the same time hide its complexity from the user. Based on this vision, the journal welcomes contributions ranging from theoretical and foundational research over methods and tools to descriptions of concrete ontologies and applications in all areas. Papers which add a social, spatial and temporal dimension to Semantic Web research, as well as application-oriented papers making use of formal semantics, are especially welcome.
The journal is co-published by the Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA.
Krzysztof Janowic | University of California, USA |
Eva Blomqvist | Linköping University, Sweden |
Cogan Shimizu | Kansas State University, USA |
Sanaz Saki Norouzi | Kansas State University, USA |
Mehwish Alam | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany |
Stefano Borgo | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy |
Boyan Brodaric | Geological Survey of Canada, Italy |
Philipp Cimiano | Bielefeld University, Germany |
Oscar Corcho | Politechnic University of Madrid, Spain |
Bernardo Cuenca-Grau | Oxford University, UK |
Claudia d’Amato | University of Bari, Italy |
Elena Demidova | University of Bonn, Germany |
Jerome Euzenat | INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, France |
Mark Gahegan | University of Auckland, New Zealand |
Aldo Gangemi | University of Bologna and ISTC-CNR, Italy |
Anna Lisa Gentile | IBM Research Almaden, USA |
Rafael Goncalves | Stanford University, USA |
Dagmar Gromann | University of Vienna, Austria |
Armin Haller | Australian National University, Australia |
Aidan Hogan | Universidad de Chile, Chile |
Katja Hose | Aalborg University, Denmark |
Eero Hyvönen | Aalto University and University of Helsinki, Finland |
Sabrina Kirrane | Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Agnieszka Lawrynowicz | Poznan University of Technology, Poland |
Freddy Lecue | CortAIx Thales, France |
Maria Maleshkova | University of Siegen, Germany |
Raghava Mutharaju | IIIT-Delhi, India |
Axel Polleres | Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria |
Guilin Qi | Southeast University, China |
Marta Sabou | Technische Universität Wien, Austria |
Harald Sack | FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Germany |
Christoph Schlieder | University of Bamberg, Germany |
Stefan Schlobach | VU University Amsterdam, Austria |
Oshani Seneviratne | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA |
Ruben Verborgh | Ghent University - imec, Belgium |
Guo-Qiang Zhang | The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA |