David Rindskopf
Plausible Rival Hypotheses in Measurement, Design and Scientific Theory
William R Shadish
The Empirical Program of Quasi-Experimentation
William D Crano
The Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix as Synopsis and Recapitulation of Campbell's Views on the Proper Conduct of Social Inquiry
Lee Sechrest et al
Understanding 'Method' Variance
Chares S Reichardt
A Typology of Strategies for Ruling out Threats to Validity
Stephen G West and Brad J Sagarin
Participant Selection and Loss in Randomized Experiments
Donald Rubin, Jennifer L Hill and Neal Thomas
The Design of the New York School Choice Scholarship Program Evaluation
Jay Magidson
On Models Used to Adjust for Pre-Existing Differences
Richard A Berk et al
Computer Simulations as Experiments: Using Program Evaluation Tools to Assess the Validity of Interventions in Virtual Worlds
Richard D McCleary
Evolution of the Time Series Experiment
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