Banana Time: Job Satisfaction and Informal Interaction
Donald Roy
Perceptions and Methods in Men Who Manage
Melville Dalton
Men and Women of the Corporation
Rosabeth Kanter
Manufacturing Consent
Michael Burawoy
Breakfast at Spiro’s: Dramaturgy and Dominance
Michael Rosen
The World of Corporate Managers
Robert Jackall
Engineering Humour: Masculinity Joking and Conflict in Shop-Floor Relations
David Collinson
Extract from Crafting Selves: Power Gender and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace
Dorinne Kondo
Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-Tech Corporation
Gideon Kunda
Theorizing Managerial Work: A Pragmatic Pluralist Approach to Interdisciplinary Research
Tony Watson
Rational Choice Situated Action and the Social Control of Organizations: The Challenger Launch Decision
Diane Vaughan
Strategizing as Lived Experience and Strategists
Dalvir Samra-Fredericks
Power Control and Resistance in ‘The Factory that Time Forgot’
Mahmoud Ezzamel et al.
Extract from Talking about Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job
Julian Orr
Extract from The Business of Talk: Organizations in Action
Diedre Boden
Extract from Investigating Small Firms: Nice Work?
Ruth Holliday
Narrative Interviewing and Narrative Analysis in a Study of a Cross-Border Merger
Anne-Marie Söderberg
Speech Timing and Spacing: The Phenomenon of Organizational Closure
François Cooren and Gail T. Fairhurst,
The Infeasibility of Invariant Laws in Management Studies: A Reflective Dialogue in Defence of Case Studies
Tsuyoshi Numagami
The Interview: From Neutral Stance to Political Involvement
Andrea Fontana and James Frey
Rethinking Observation: From Method to Context
Michael Agrosino et al.
Notes on (Field) notes
James Clifford
The Textual Approach: Risk and Blame in Disaster Sensemaking
Robert Gephart
Triangulation in Organizational Research: A Re-presentation
Julie Wolfram Cox and John Hassard
The Storytelling Organization: A Study of Performance in an Office Supply Firm
David Boje
Semiotics and the Study of Occupational and Organizational Cultures
Stephen Barley
The Use of Grounded Theory for the Qualitative Analysis of Organizational Behaviour
Barry Turner
Reflecting on the Strategic Use of CAQDAS to Manage and Report on the Qualitative Research Process
Mark Wickham and Megan Woods
Longitudinal Field Research on Change
Andrew Pettigrew
Historical Perspectives in Organization Studies: Factual Narrative and Archeo-Genealogical
Michael Rowlinson
Action Research: Explaining the Diversity
Cathy Cassell and Phil Johnson
Photography and Voice in Critical Qualitative Management Research
Samantha Warren
Moments Mixed Methods and Paradigm Dialogues
Norman Denzin
Extract from The Discipline and Practice of Qualitative Research
Norman Denzin and Yvonna Lincoln
Learning to Be a Qualitative Management Researcher
Catherine Cassell et al.
Getting In Getting On Getting Out and Getting Back
David Buchanan et al.
Reflections on the Researcher-Researched Relationship: A Woman Interviewing Men
Terry Arendell
Real-Time Reflexivity: Prods to Reflection
Karl Weick
Towards an Integrative Reflexivity in Organizational Research
Leah Tomkins and Virginia Eatough
Appealing Work: An Investigation of How Ethnographic Texts Convince
Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen Locke
The Philosophy and Politics of Quality in Qualitative Organizational Research
John Amis and Michael Silk
Objectivity and Reliability in Qualitative Analysis: Realist Contextualist and Radical Constructionist Epistemologies
Anna Madill et al.
Whatever Happened to Organizational Ethnography: A Review of the Field of Organizational Ethnography and Anthropological Studies
S.P. Bate
Working with Pluralism: Determining Quality in Qualitative Research
Mark Easterby-Smith, Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen Locke
The Role of the Researcher: An Analysis of Narrative Position in Organisation Theory
Mary Jo Hatch
The Professional Apprentice: Observations of Fieldwork Roles in Two Organizational Settings
John Van Maanen and Deborah Kolb
In Defense of Being “Native”: The Case for Insider Academic Research
Teresa Brannick and David Coghlan
Ethics and Ethnography
Robert Dingwall
Extract from Qualitative Methods in Management Research
Evert Gummesson
Making Sense as a Personal Process
Judi Marshall
My Affair with the “Other”: Identity Journeys across the Research-Practice Divide
Laura Empson
Secrecy and Disclosure in Fieldwork
Richard Mitchell
Organization Science as Social Construction: Postmodern Potentials
Kenneth Gergen and Tojo Joseph Thatchenkerry
Farewell to Criteriology
Thomas Schwandt
Reflexive Inquiry in Organizational Research: Questions and Possibilities
Ann Cunliffe
The Action Turn: Towards a Transformational Social Science
Peter Reason and William Torbert
Signing My Life Away? Researching Sex and Organization
Joanna Brewis
Evaluating Qualitative Management Research: Towards a Contingent Criteriology
Phil Johnson et al.
Postcolonialism and the Politics of Qualitative Research in International Business
Gavin Jack and Robert Westwood
Organization Studies and Epistemic Coloniality in Latin America: Thinking Otherness from the Margins
Eduardo Ibbaro-Colado
Fitting Oval Pegs into Round Holes: Tensions in Evaluating and Publishing Qualitative Research in Top-Tier North American Journals
Michael Pratt
Hegemonic Academic Practices: Experiences of Publishing from the Periphery
Susan Meriläinen et al.,
Case Study as Disciplinary Convention: Evidence from International Business Journals
Rebecca Piekkari, Catherine Welsh and Eriikka Paavilainen
Managerialism and Management Research: Would Melville Dalton Get a Job Today?
Emma Bell
Ways of constructing research questions: gap-spotting or problematization?
Jörgen Sandberg and Mats Alvesson