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North American Archaeologist

North American Archaeologist

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eISSN: 15413543 | ISSN: 01976931 | Current volume: 45 | Current issue: 1-2 Frequency: Quarterly
Published quarterly, North American Archaeologist is the only general journal dedicated solely to North America, offering total coverage of archaeological activity in the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico (excluding Mesoamerica). North American Archaeologist surveys all aspects of prehistoric and historic archaeology within an evolutionary perspective, from Paleo-Indian studies to industrial sites. It accents the results of Resource Management and Contract Archaeology, the newest growth areas in archaeology, often neglected in other publications.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The North American Archaeologist is dedicated solely to North America, offering total coverage of archaeological activity in the United States, Canada, and northern Mexico (excluding Mesoamerica). North American Archaeologist surveys all aspects of prehistoric and historic archaeology within an evolutionary perspective, from Paleo-Indian studies to industrial sites. It accents the results of Resource Management and Contract Archaeology, the newest growth areas in archaeology, often neglected in other publications.The Journal publishes work based on activities in state, provincial, and local archaeological societies. It also includes as areas of special interest the following: a) select works from the avocational sector, and b) papers on museum practice, public education/outreach, and cultural heritage law as they pertain to archaeology.

Roger W. Moeller Archaeological Services, USA
Regional Advisory Editors
Briggs Buchanan University of Tulsa, USA
John G. Crock University of Vermont, USA
Ben Ford Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Mary Ann Owoc Mercyhurst College, USA
Steven N. Patricia Ligonier, Pennsylvania, USA
Matthew J. Root Rain Shadow Research, Inc., Pullman, WA, USA
Mark C. Slaughter Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, NV, USA
Ashley M. Smallwood University of West Georgia, USA
Frank J. Vento Clarion University of Pennsylvania, USA
Book Review Editor
Delaney Cooley University of Oklahoma, USA
Special Advisory Editor
Roger W. Moeller Archaeological Services, USA
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    1979 Historical Archaeology Science and Humanism, North American
    Archaeologist, 1:1, pp. 24-31.

    1971 Explanation in Archaeology, Columbia University Press, New York.

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