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Research Methods and Statistics

Research Methods and Statistics
An Integrated Approach

July 2016 | 488 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

This innovative text offers a completely integrated approach to teaching research methods and statistics by presenting a research question accompanied by the appropriate methods and statistical procedures needed to address it. Research questions and designs become more complex as chapters progress, building on simpler questions to reinforce student learning. Using a conversational style and research examples from published works, this comprehensive book walks readers through the entire research process and includes ample pedagogical support for SPSS, Excel, and APA style.

About the Authors
Section I- Foundations of Design and Analysis
Chapter 1- The Scientific Method
Empirical Data

Step 1: Ask a Question

Choose a Topic

Ask a Simple Question

Step 2: Read the Published Literature

Locate Research

Choose a Specific Question

Step 3: Create a Method

Step 4: Collect and Analyze Data

Step 5: Answer the Research Question

Step 6: Share Your Results

Research in Psychology: APA Style


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 2- Ethical Research
Ethical Treatment of Participants

Assessing Risk to Participants

Literature Review


The Sample


Statistics and the Data





Certification of Ethics Training


Testing of Special Populations

Medical Procedures

Animal Research

Informed Consent

Treating Participants Ethically

Ethics After Testing Participants

Data Entry

Data Analysis

Writing a Presentation or Manuscript

Authorship Issues

Presenting and Publishing Research

Who Is Harmed by Unethical Behavior?

Ethical Data-Collection Methods


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 3- Research Designs and Variables
Correlational Design

Longitudinal Studies

Cross-Sectional Studies

Experimental Design

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

Cause and Effect

Random Assignment

Extraneous Variables

Internal Validity

Levels of Measurement

Nominal Variable

Ordinal Variable

Interval Variable

Ratio Variable

Why Do We Care?

Summarizing Variables: Central Tendency




Summarizing Variables: Variability


Standard Deviation

SPSS: Summarizing Variables

Nominal Data

Ordinal Data

Interval and Ratio Data


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 4- Learning About a Population From a Sample
Selecting a Sample

Random Sampling

Cluster Sampling

Stratified Random Sampling

Convenience Sampling

Bias in a Sample

Inferential Statistics

Sampling Error


Hypothesis Testing


p-values and Effect Size

Power and Sample Size

Degrees of Freedom


Review of Terms

Practice Items

Section II- Categorical Variables and Simple Frequency
Chapter 5- One Variable With Frequency Data
Research Design: Categorizing Participants

One-Way Chi Square With Equal Expected Frequencies

SPSS: One-Way Chi Square With Equal Expected Frequencies

Effect Size: Cohen’s w

APA Style for the One-Way Chi Square With Equal Expected Frequencies


One-Way Chi Square With Unequal Expected Frequencies

SPSS: One-Way Chi Square With Unequal Expected Frequencies

APA Style for the One-Way Chi Square With Unequal Expected Frequencies


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 6- Two Variables With Frequency Data
Research Design: Two Categorical Variables

Two-Way Chi Square: 2 × 3 Design


SPSS: 2 × 3 Chi Square

Effect Size: Contingency Coefficient and Cramer’s V

APA Style for the 2 × 3 Chi Square

Two-Way Chi Square: 2 × 2 Design

Effect Size: Phi Coefficient

SPSS: 2 × 2 Chi Square

APA Style for the 2 × 2 Chi Square


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Section III- Research Without Grouping
Chapter 7- Examining Relationships
Pearson’s r: Seeking a Relationship

SPSS: Pearson’s r (Seeking a Relationship)

Two-Tailed Test

One-Tailed Test


Graphs as Figures: Scatterplot

APA Style for Pearson’s r: Correlational Design

Pearson’s r: Seeking Cause and Effect

Previewing Data With a Scatterplot

SPSS: Pearson’s r (Seeking Cause and Effect)

Effect Size: Coefficient of Determination

APA Style for Pearson’s r: Experimental Design

Inaccurate Pearson’s r

When Pearson’s r Falsely Shows No Relationship

Outliers That Weaken Pearson’s r

Nonlinear Relationship

Restriction of Range

When Pearson’s r Falsely Shows a Relationship

Restriction of Range on a Curvilinear Relationship

Outliers That Strengthen Pearson’s r


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 8- Scale Development
Pearson’s r and Reliability of Measures

Test-Retest Reliability

Alternate-Forms Reliability

Split-Half Reliability

Cronbach’s Alpha and Reliability of Measures

SPSS: Scoring and Interpreting Measures

Reverse Scoring Items

Cronbach’s Alpha on SPSS

Scoring a Measure

Reliability With Subjective Measures: Interrater Reliability

Pearson’s r and Validity

Face Validity

Content Validity

Convergent Construct Validity

Discriminant Construct Validity

Predictive Validity


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 9- Prediction
Prediction and Correlation

Linear Regression: Prediction Using One Predictor

Correlation First

Linear Regression

Error in Predictions

SPSS: Linear Regression

Effect Size: Cohen’s f 2

APA Style for Linear Regression


Multiple Linear Regression: Prediction With Two Predictors

SPSS: Multiple Linear Regression

APA Style for Multiple Linear Regression


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Section IV- Grouped Designs With Independent Samples
Chapter 10- One Variable With Two Independent Groups
Research Design: One IV With Two Levels

SPSS: Independent-Samples t-test With an IV

Directional Hypothesis

Effect Size: Cohen’s d

Confidence Intervals


APA Style for the Independent-Samples t-test: Experimental Design

Graphs as Figures: Bar Graph


Using a Quasi-IV to Establish a Relationship

SPSS: Independent-Samples t-test With a Quasi-IV

APA Style for the Independent-Samples t-test: Correlational Design


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 11- One Variable With More Than Two Independent Groups
Research Design: One IV With More Than Two Levels

SPSS: One-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA With an IV

Effect Size: Eta Squared

Post Hoc Comparisons

Confidence Intervals


APA Style for the One-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA: Experimental Design

Analyzing a Quasi-IV With More Than Two Levels

SPSS: One-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA With a Quasi-IV

APA Style for the One-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA: Correlational Design


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Section V- Grouped Designs With Related Samples
Chapter 12- One Variable with Two Related Groups
Testing the Same People Twice

Problems With Testing the Same People Twice

Practice Effect

Fatigue Effect

History Effect


Solving Order Problems by Counterbalancing

Avoiding Confounds

Research Design: One IV With Two Related Groups

SPSS: Related-Samples t-test (Experimental Design)

Confidence Intervals

Effect Size: Cohen’s d

APA Style for the Related-Samples t-test: Experimental Design


Research Design: One Quasi-IV With Two Related Groups

SPSS: Related-Samples t-test (Correlational Design)

APA Style for the Related-Samples t-test: Correlational Design

Research Design: Testing Different People (Matched Pairs)

Matching Participants

Matching in a Two-Condition Study

The Matching Process

SPSS: Matched-Pairs t-test

APA Style for the Matched-Pairs t-test


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Chapter 13- One Variable With Repeated Measures: More Than Two Groups
Research Design: One IV With Repeated Measures

SPSS: One-Way, Repeated-Measures ANOVA (Experimental Design)


Effect Size: Eta Squared

Confidence Intervals


APA Style for the One-Way, Repeated-Measures ANOVA: Experimental Design

Research Design: One Quasi-IV With Repeated Measures

SPSS: One-Way, Repeated-Measures ANOVA (Correlational Design)

APA Style for the One-Way, Repeated-Measures ANOVA: Correlational Design


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Section VI- Advanced Design
Chapter 14- Two Variables With Independent Samples
Research Design: Two IVs With Independent Samples

SPSS: Two-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA (No Significant Interaction)

Effect Size: Eta Squared

Post Hoc for a Main Effect

Confidence Intervals


Graphing a Main Effect

APA Style for Two-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA With Main Effects

Research Design: One IV and One Quasi-IV With Independent Groups

SPSS: Two-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA (Significant Interaction)

Examining the Interaction

Post Hoc for an Interaction

Graphing an Interaction

APA Style for the Two-Way, Between-Groups ANOVA With an Interaction


Review of Terms

Practice Items


Appendix A- Power Analysis Table
Appendix B- Graphing in Excel

Bar Graphs

Line Graphs

Interaction Graphs

Appendix C- APA-Style Manuscript Guidelines
Key Elements in APA-Style Writing

The Basics

Title Page







Tables, Figures, and Appendices

Common Mistakes and Tips for Writing

Example Paper With Comments

Example Paper Without Comments

Appendix D- Selected Answers to Practice Items
Appendix E- Glossary of Terms


Instructor Resource Site

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Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:

  • A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course
  • Lecture notes summarize key concepts on a chapter-by-chapter basis to help with preparation for lectures and class discussions.
  • The Instructor Teaching Site includes complete answers to all in-text questions.
Student Study Site
  • The open-access Student Study Site includes the following:

    • Mobile-friendly eFlashcards reinforce understanding of key terms and concepts that have been outlined in the chapters.
    • Mobile-friendly web quizzes allow for independent assessment of progress made in learning course material.
Key features


  • Research methods and statistics inform each other as a research question is answered to help students understand how design and statistics work together.
  • A focus on the most commonly used statistical procedures allows more time for covering the basics that students are most likely to use in their own work, including multiple regression and two-way ANOVA.
  • Examples are based on recent empirical publications to demonstrate how research in psychology is reported.
  • A wealth of information on writing in APA style, including example papers, common mistakes, and helpful pointers, appears in Appendix C.
  • APA style method and results sections follow each example to give students valuable examples of APA style.
  • Power analysis is addressed in every example and in Appendix A.
  • SPSS screenshots in each example help students analyze results in a visually effective manner.
  • An engaging and helpful pedagogical partner, Tal, appears throughout the book to clarify and highlight key points. Tal helps make intimidating material feel approachable, and sometimes even entertaining, for students learning research methods and statistics.  

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 7

Chapter 12

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