Teaching Advanced Learners in the General Education Classroom
Doing More With Less!
- Joan Franklin Smutny - National-Louis University, USA
- S.E. von Fremd - Freelance Editor, Researcher, Writer
Gifted/Talented Education
Low-stress tips for challenging high-ability learners
Many teachers ask: "What do I do for students who finish their work before everyone else? Is there anything I can use that doesn't require me to read a long textbook with complicated instructions?" If you would like to do more for gifted students and need simple strategies that you can use tomorrow, this book is for you. Inside are helpful methods for challenging students who need more than the regular curriculum can provide. Readers will find practical tools, including:
- Tips for using existing resources and potential
- A progression from simpler to more complex adjustments for advanced learners
- Specific lessons for language arts, math, science, social studies, and the arts
The authors' strategies can be tailored to benefit students of varying abilities. The lessons are easy to integrate, consistent with curriculum standards, and described in practical terms. You will also find ready-to-use reproducibles, helpful vignettes, and additional resources for differentiating instruction so that all students are challenged to reach their potential.
”The book’s major strength lies in its ability to remind the reader that there are many resources that educators may have forgotten about or not even thought of. The discussions about student interests, human resources, community resources, and open-ended presentation are a great aspect of this book."
“This book is pertinent and relevant to today’s classroom. Teachers face many demands to meet the needs of struggling students. We sometimes focus so much on the low-achieving students that we run out of time to address the needs of the gifted and above-average students. This book focuses on the issue with examples a teacher can use right now, with little prep. The author absolutely understands the issues teachers face in the classroom today.”
“This book provides practical suggestions for utilizing and improving your own professional practice to more fully support advanced learners.”
“This book will assist any educator in their quest to provide their students with high quality instruction, without much hassle.”
"By discussing major areas of education, the authors have provided an excellent resource for helping to overcome various obstacles. The book can help to improve instruction for the gifted in the regular classroom."