Gary L Albrecht, Katherine D Seelman, and Michael Bury
Introduction: The Formation of Disability Studies
David L Braddock and Susan Parish
An Institutional History of Disability
Glenn T Fujiura and Violet Rutkowski-Kmitta
Counting Disability
Barbara Altman
Disability Definitions, Models, Classification Schemes and Applications
Gareth Williams
Theorizing Disability
Scott Campbell Brown
Methodological Paradigms That Shape Disability Research
Patrick Fougeyrollas and Line Beauregard
An Interactive Person-Environment Social Creation
David T Mitchell and Sharon L Snyder
Representation and Its Discontents
The Uneasy Home of Disability in Literature and Film
David Wasserman
Philosophical Issues in the Definition and Social Response to Disability
Bryan S Turner
Disability and the Sociology of the Body
Trevor R Parmenter
Intellectual Disabilities- Quo Vadis?
Adrienne Asch
Disability, Bioethics and Human Rights
Ellen Liberti Blasiotti, John D Westbrook, and Iwao Kobayashi
Disability Studies and Electronic Networking
Carol Gill
Divided Understandings
The Social Experience of Disability
Philip M Ferguson
Mapping the Family
Disability Studies and the Exploration of Parental Response to Disability
Michael P Kelly
Disability and Community
Robert F Drake
Welfare States and Disabled People
Sharon Barnartt, Kay Schrinerm and Richard Scotch
Advocacy and Political Action
Ian Basnett
Health Care Professionals and Their Attitudes Towards, and Decisions Affecting Disabled People
Bernice A Pescosolido
The Role of Social Networks in the Lives of Persons with Disabilities
Jean-François Ravaud and Henri-Jacques Stiker
An Analysis of Historical and Cultural Meanings
Colin Barnes and Geoff Mercer
Disability Culture
Assimilation or Inclusion?
Lennard J Davis
Identity Politics, Disability and Culture
Tom Shakespeare and Nick Watson
Making the Difference
Disability, Politics, and Recognition
Jerome E Bickenbach
Disability Human Rights, Law and Policy
Gary L Albrecht and Michael Bury
The Political Economy of the Disability Marketplace
Gerben DeJong and Ian Basnett
Disability and Health Policy
The Role of Markets in the Delivery of Health Services
Bonnie O'Day and Monroe Berkowitz
Disability Benefit Programs
Can We Improve the Return to Work Record?
Kay Schriner
A Disability Studies Perspective on Employment Issues and Policies for Disabled People
Katherine D Seelman
Science and Technology Policy
Is Disability a Missing Factor?
Len Barton and Felicity Armstrong
Disability, Education and Inclusion
Cross-Cultural Issues and Dilemmas
Simi Litvak and Alexandra Enders
Support Systems
The Interface Between Individuals and Environments
Sally French and John Swain
The Relationship between Disabled People and Health and Welfare Professionals
Don Lollar
Public Health Trends in Disability
Past, Present, and Future
Benedicte Ingstad
Disability in the Developing World