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Journal of Advertising Education

Journal of Advertising Education

eISSN: 25161873 | ISSN: 10980482 | Current volume: 28 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-annually

The Journal of Advertising Education is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to research and commentary on instruction, curriculum, and leadership in advertising education. In addition to traditional research, the journal publishes articles and opinion pieces, teaching tips, reports, and books/digital resource reviews.

The primary readership of the journal consists of advertising faculty, administrators, and mass communication graduate students. Members of the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication receive a copy of the journal as a benefit of their memberships.

Since its founding in 1996 by the Advertising Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the Journal of Advertising Education has served as the focal point for peer-reviewed scholarship, technique expositions, and commentary on advertising curriculum and classroom practice.

Featured topics include:

• accreditation
• agency practice
• assessment
• campaigns
• classroom practice
• creativity
• diversity
• employment
• ethics
• integrated marketing communication
• international advertising
• learning theory
• social media
• team teaching and learning
• technology

Juan Mundel Michigan State University, USA
Associate Editor
Tricia Farwell Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Former Editors
Jami Armstrong Fullerton Oklahoma State University, USA
Keith R. Johnson Texas Tech University, USA
Alice Kendrick Southern Methodist University, USA
Jay Newell Iowa State University, USA
Pat Rose Florida International University, USA
Mary Alice Shaver Central Florida University, USA
Resources Editor
Tricia Farwell Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Editorial Review Board
Susan Westcott Alessandri Suffolk University, USA
Saleem Alhabash Michigan State University, USA
Beth Barnes University of Kentucky, USA
Bruce Bendinger Copy Workshop
Robyn Blakeman University of Tennessee, USA
Courtney Bosworth Radford University, USA
Sara Champlin University of North Texas, USA
Hong Cheng Southern Illinois University Carbondale, USA
Craig Davis University of Ohio, USA
Tao Deng DePaul University, USA
Bonnie Drewniany University of South Carolina, USA
Tricia Farwell Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Juliana Fernandes University of Florida, USA
Jami Fullerton Oklahoma State University, USA
Harsha Gangadharbatla University of Colorado-Boulder, USA
Kim Golombisky University of South Florida
Nancy Gray Arizona State University, USA
Frauke Hachtmann University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Eric Haley The University of Tennessee, USA
Scott Hamula Ithaca College, USA
Joe B. Hester University of North Carolina, USA
Jisu Huh University of Minnesota USA
Valerie Jones University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Alice Kendrick Southern Methodist University, USA
Gayle Kerr Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Hyejin Kim Southern Utah University, USA
Ken Kim Xavier University, USA
Lance Kinney University of Alabama, USA
Jan LeBlanc Wicks University of Arkansas, USA
Wei Na Lee University of Texas-Austin, USA
Bobbi Kay Lewis Oklahoma State University, USA
Lynda Maddox George Washington University, USA
Michael Maynard Temple University, USA
Anna McAlister Endicott College, USA
Mariko Morimoto Waseda University, Japan
Juan Mundel DePaul University, USA
Kartik Pashupati Research Now
James Pokrywczynski Marquette University, USA
Keith Queensberry Messiah College, USA
Tom Reichert University of South Carolina, USA
Jef Richards Michigan State University, USA
Shelly Rodgers University of Missouri, USA
Patricia Rose American Academy of Advertising
John Sweeney University of North Carolina, USA
Sarah Turnbull University of Portsmouth, UK
Sandra Utt The University of Memphis, USA
Jorge Villegas University of Illinois, Springfield, USA
Harold Vincent Elon University, USA
Adam Wagler University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Lara Zwarun University of Missouri, St. Louis, USA
Advertising Division Officers and Committee Chairs
Saleem Alhabash, Head Michigan State University, USA
Linwan Wu, Vice Head University of South Carolina, USA
Shanshan Lou, Teaching & Pedagogy Chair Appalachian State University, USA
Eunin (Anna) Kim, PF&R Chair University of Southern California, USA
Linwan Wu, Research Chair University of South Carolina, USA
Mengtian Jiang, Grad and Undergraduate Student Track University of Kentucky, USA
Chang Dae Ham, Special Topics Track Chair University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, USA
Samuel M. Tham, Communication Chair & Secretary Colorado State University, USA
  • Scopus
  • Information for Contributors:

    The Journal of Advertising Education (JAE) is devoted to research and commentary on instruction, curriculum and leadership in advertising education.

    The journal invites submissions of:

    Research Articles: Preference is given to manuscripts that break new ground, have a theoretical base and/or some form of validation or testing method. Topics include but are not limited to teaching methods, curriculum, accreditation or administration. All research methods will be considered. The editor may reject papers unsuitable to the journal’s mission. All papers not desk rejected will be peer reviewed. Extensive artwork, graphs and other such materials will be billed to author at cost.

    Length: All manuscripts considered; 4,000-word maximum (about 20 pages) excluding tables and references.

    Style: APA.

    AdEd Insights: Short articles on the process of educating students. Topics such as ideas for class use, syllabi, assignments and teaching tips. Preference is given to submissions showing how the Insight is executed (how graded, sources of recommendations, trial usage and results).

    Length: 3000 words. Insights will be peer reviewed.

    Style: APA.

    Invited Commentary: Topic suggestions should be submitted to the editor, include a detailed definition of the topic and a suggestion of at least two possible authors to write the commentary. Offers to write a commentary are also accepted. If you wish to write a commentary, please contact the editor first.

    Commentary Length: 1,000 – 1,800 words; send by email to

    Book/Software Reviews: To propose reviews for books or other advertising education materials , contact the Book Review Editor:

    Tricia Farwell PhD

    Middle Tennessee State University
    Room 344, College of Education Building
    MTSU Box 64
    Murfreesboro, TN 37132

    Letters to the editor are encouraged. Indicate the letter is written for publication. The editor reserves the right to select and/or edit as needed. Letters not written for publication are also encouraged.

    Copyright: Authors retain copyright upon publication, and agree to the reuse guidelines outlined in their contributor forms issued upon acceptance.

    Submission Process:

    1. Submissions. Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format to, where authors will be required to set up an online account on the Sage Track system powered by ScholarOne. Manuscripts should be no more than 4,000 words (excluding tables, charts, graphs, and references). One author must be chosen as the corresponding author and must input their full contact information. Corresponding authors need to completely enter all co-author information as well.

    2. Abstract and Author. An abstract of no more than 150 words must accompany each submission. Author identification should appear only on the title page and should included academic rank or professional title and applicable university and departmental affiliation.

    3. Style. Use APA current edition guidelines. Please use in-text references, i.e., (Weston, 1972). Do not use op. cit., ibid., or bc. cit. Underline or italicize names of cities when using newspaper names, i.e., New York Times. In references and in book review headings, use postal code abbreviations for states; in regular copy, spell out.

    4. Heading Styles. Use APA current edition guidelines.

    APA Headings :

    Level Format

    Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings

    Left-aligned, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings

    Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with period. Begin body text after the period.

    Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.

    Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the period.

    5. Tables. Figures and tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript file and numbered in the order they appear in text. Tables should be editable, formatted in line with APA guidelines, and have a clear title. Tables and figures should be used only when they substantially aid the reader Do not duplicate material in text and tables.

    Juan Mundel
    Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication
    Arizona State University

    Book Review Editor
    Tricia Farwell
    Middle Tennessee State University
    Room 344, College of Education Building
    MTSU Box 64
    Murfreesboro, TN 37132

    For more information, please refer to the Sage Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

    Review Procedures: 

Manuscripts are reviewed independently by members of the Journal of Advertising Education Editorial Review Board and by ad hoc reviewers chosen by the editor. Typically, three reviewers assess each manuscript; two assess each AdEd Insight. The reviews are double anonymize – neither authors nor reviewers knows the identity of the others. The evaluations and recommendations of the reviewers guide the editor. It is possible for a manuscript to be desk rejected by the editor. The most common reason for a desk rejection is that the topic does not apply to education, per se, and/or the topic is not specifically applied to advertising education.

    It is the policy of the Journal of Advertising Education that manuscripts submitted for review must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 
Note that copyright law prohibits a manuscript from appearing in more than one copyrighted publication. Allowing an article to be published in the Journal of Advertising Education is a guarantee that it has not been nor will be published in any other copyrighted publication. 
 Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use any material (including advertisements) in their manuscripts that is copyrighted.

    Individuals and all establishments providing photo duplication services may photocopy articles in the Journal of Advertising Education without permission – either for personal use or for use or distribution to students for classroom use.

    Publication Ethics
    Sage is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors and view the Publication Ethics page on the Sage Author Gateway.

    This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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