Effective Communication in Criminal Justice
- Robert E. Grubb
- K. Virginia Hemby - Middle Tennessee State University, USA
“This text provides students and instructors with a detailed examination of communication in the criminal justice system. Specific issues confronting criminal justice practitioners in their daily activities, including interactions with the public, are explored. The text demonstrates appropriate methods of communication and provides direction for overcoming difficulties in the communication process.”
—Brooke Miller, PhD, University of North Texas
“I would certainly describe this book as a must-have as an addition to any course that has a writing component. The information contained is necessary for students of criminology . . . [and] will aid students in formal writing as well as those going into the criminal justice field.”
—Dianne Berger-Hill, MAS, Old Dominion University
Effective Communication in Criminal Justice is the perfect companion for any criminal justice course that discusses communication and writing. Authors Robert E. Grubb and K. Virginia Hemby teach students how to be both effective writers and communicators—essential skills for anyone interested in criminal justice. Going beyond report writing, this book helps readers become more confident presenters and digital communicators while encouraging students to adapt their communication styles to meet the needs of diverse populations. Students will not only improve their communication and writing skills but also gain specific strategies for succeeding in careers related to policing, courts, corrections, and private security.
“Comprehensive text on the significance of all aspects of communication in the criminal justice field.”
“This text provides students and instructors with a detailed examination of communication in the criminal justice system. Specific issues confronting criminal justice practitioners in their daily activities, including interactions with the public, are explored. The text demonstrates appropriate methods of communication and provides direction for overcoming difficulties in the communication process.”
“I would certainly describe this book as a must have as an addition to any course that has a writing component. The information contained thus far is necessary for students of criminology…will aid students in formal writing as well as those going into the criminal justice field”
“This text provides faculty teaching justice studies communications courses with a practical approach to both foundational issues necessary for all communications courses, as well as the sections specific to the justice studies field.”
“To be quite honest, I was excited about the ideas I had while previewing the text. I would strongly encourage colleagues to consider using this in the construction of a course focused on “Writing in the Discipline”. I think there is great potential for students (and instructors) to have fun writing while not realizing that they are actually learning valuable information.”
I have used this book 3x. I like it because it encompasses all the information needed to develop skills for the criminal justice system.
Textbook appropriate for assisting students in bettering their communication skills, academically and with criminal justice agencies. The information on social networking tools in law enforcement is a nice addition to previous editions.
I am using this text in conjunction with Johnston's Careers in Criminal Justice. I found it very useful and it covers most of the basic communication skills needed by my students in or entering the field.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 1: The Five Approaches
Chapter 9. Technology and Communication: Tools of the Trade