Human Resource Development Review
Human Resource Development Review (HRDR) is an international journal focusing on theory development for scholars and practitioners in human resource development and related disciplines. HRDR publishes high-quality conceptual work using non-empirical research methods. The journal is committed to advancing HRD by providing fresh theoretical insights, new conceptual models, critical examination of literature, and multi-paradigm approaches to theory building.
The journal provides new theoretical insights that can advance our understanding of human resource development, including:
- Syntheses of existing bodies of theory
- New substantive theories
- Exploratory conceptual models
- Taxonomies and typologies developed as foundations for theory
- Treatises in formal theory construction
- Papers on the history of theory
- Critique of theory that includes alternative research propositions
- Metatheory
- Integrative literature reviews with strong theoretical implications
The journal also addresses philosophies of HRD, historical foundations, definitions of the field, conceptual organization of the field, and ethical foundations. Human Resource Development Review takes a multi-paradigmatic view of theory building.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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As described elsewhere, Human Resource Development Review is a theory development journal for scholars of human resource development and related disciplines. Human Resource Development Review publishes articles that make theoretical contributions on theory development, foundations of HRD, theory building methods, and integrative reviews of the relevant literature. Papers whose central focus is empirical findings, including empirical method and design are not considered for publication in Human Resource Development Review.
This journal encourages submissions that provide new theoretical insights to advance our understanding of human resource development and related disciplines. Such papers may include syntheses of existing bodies of theory, new substantive theories, exploratory conceptual models, taxonomies and typology developed as foundations for theory, treatises in formal theory construction, papers on the history of theory, critique of theory that includes alternative research propositions, metatheory, and integrative literature reviews with strong theoretical implications. Papers addressing foundations of HRD might address philosophies of HRD, historical foundations, definitions of the field, conceptual organization of the field, and ethical foundations. Human Resource Development Review takes a multi-paradigm view of theory building so submissions from different paradigms are encouraged.
Thomas Garavan | University College Cork, Ireland |
Michael Gaffney | Positive Career Options, Ireland |
Oliver Crocco | Louisiana State University, USA |
Soo Jeoung Han | Yonsei University, South Korea |
Roziah Mohd Rasdi | Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia |
Ciaran McFadden-Young | Sterling University, UK |
Syed Abbas | Aliz Educational Institutions, Pakistan |
Hiyam Abdulrahim | Princess Nourah Bint Abdulraham University, Saudi Arabia |
Mesut Akdere | Purdue University, USA |
Lulwa Al-Mutlaq | Golden Trust Training & Consultancy - (Bahrain) |
Meera Alagaraja | University of Louisville, USA |
Seyyed Babak Alavi | Sharif University of Technology, Iran |
Faiza Ali | Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan |
Valerie Anderson | University of Portsmouth, UK |
Alexandre Ardichvili | University of Minnesota, USA |
Nana Arthur-Mensah | Northern Kentucky University, USA |
Justice N. Bawole | University of Ghana Business School, Ghana |
Mina Beigi | University of Southampton, UK |
Laura Lee Bierema | University of Georgia, USA |
Stephen Billett | Griffith University, Australia |
Jeremy W. Bohonos | Texas State University, USA |
Marilyn Byrd | The University of Oklahoma, USA |
Jamie Callahan | Durham University, UK |
Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova | University of São Paulo, Brazil |
Sanghamitra Chaudhuri | Metropolitan State University, USA |
Yonjoo Cho | University of Texas at Tyler, USA |
Joshua Collins | University of Minnesota, USA |
Oliver S. Crocco | Louisiana State University, USA |
Maria Cseh | George Washington University, USA |
Julie Davies | University College London, UK |
John Dirk | Michigan State University, USA |
Toby Egan | University of Maryland, USA |
Carole Elliott | Sheffield University, UK |
Per-Erik Ellström | Linköping University, Sweden |
Karen M. Evans | University College London, UK |
Barbara A. W. Eversole | Indiana State University, USA |
Julie A. Gedro | SUNY Empire State College, USA |
Rajashi Ghosh | Drexel University, USA |
Tomika W. Greer | University of Houston |
Robin S. Grenier | University of Connecticut, USA |
Irena Grugulis | University of Leeds, UK |
Marcia Hagen | Metropolitan State University, USA |
Robert Gordon Hamlin | University of Wolverhampton, UK |
Heeyoung Han | Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, USA |
Soo Jeoung Han | Yonsei University, South Korea |
Holly Hutchins | The University of North Texas, USA |
Ronald L. Jacobs | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Baek-Kyoo (Brian) Joo | Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, USA |
T. J. Kamalanabhan | Indian Institute of Technology, India |
Namhee Kim | Ewha Womans University, South Korea |
Sehoon Kim | University of Minnesota, USA |
Taesung Kim | Incheon National University- (South Korea) |
Michael Kroth | University of Idaho, USA |
K. Peter Kuchinke | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Chang-Kyu Kwon | Oakland University, USA |
Jin Lee | Texas State University (USA) |
Jessica Li | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Manuel London | State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA |
Henriette Lundgren | George Washington University, USA |
Yasmeen Makarem | American University of Beirut, Lebanon |
Victoria J. Marsick | Columbia University, Teachers College, USA |
Kim McDonald | Purdue Fort Wayne (Emeritus), USA |
David McGuire | Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, UK |
Patricia A. McLagan | McLagan International, Inc., USA |
Gary N. McLean | National Institute for Development Administration (NIDA), Thailand |
Fotios Mitsakis | Nottingham Trent University, UK |
Zachary Mosoti | United States International University Africa (Kenya) |
Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura | The George Washington University, USA |
Paul Nesbit | Macquarie University, Australia |
Kim Nimon | University of Texas at Tyler, USA |
Paula O’Kane | University of Otago, New Zealand |
Satish Chandra Pandey | Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, India |
Jennifer J. Park | University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA |
Sunyoung Park | Louisiana State University, USA |
Woongbae Park | Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morrocco |
Linda Perriton | University of Sterling (Scotland) |
D. M. Pestonjee | PDPU, India |
Tam T. Phoung | Foreign Trade University - (Vietnam) |
Rob Poell | University of Tilburg, Netherlands |
Priya Nair Rajeev | Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India |
Roziah Mohd Rasdi | Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia |
Thomas G. Reio, Jr. | Florida International University, USA |
Corina Riantoputra | Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia |
Tonette S. Rocco | Florida International University, USA |
Kevin Rose | Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis, USA |
Wendy Ruona | University of Georgia, USA |
Darlene Russ-Eft | Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, USA |
Alan Saks | University of Toronto (Canada) |
Eduardo Salas | Rice University, USA |
Melika Shirmohammadi | University of Houston, USA |
Brad Shuck | University of Louisville, USA |
Julia Storberg-Walker | George Washington University, USA |
Oleksandr Tkachenko | University of New Mexico (USA) |
Greg Wang | The University of Texas at Tyler, USA |
Jia Wang | Texas A&M University, USA |
Karen E. Carncross Watkins | University of Georgia, USA |
Jon M. Werner | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, USA |
Ida (A.A.M) Wognum | Independent Researcher, Netherlands |
Robert Yawson | Quinnipiac University, USA |
Hyung Joon Yoon | Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Seung Won Yoon | Texas A&M University, Commerce, USA |
Lyle Yorks | Columbia University, Teachers College, USA |
Ivan Zadori | University of Pécs, Hungary |
Jill Zarestky | Colorado State University, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.