Handbook of Gender and Work
Edited by:
- Gary N. Powell - University of Connecticut, USA
July 1999 | 676 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
SAGE Author, Gary Powell chimes in on the newsworthy topic "Battle of the Bosses: Male vs. Female." Click here to see him as featured on NBC Connecticut and share your comments, and click here to see Gary weigh in on "Do Women Make Better Bosses" in the New York Times.
The Handbook of Gender and Work provides a comprehensive overview and synthesis of the literature and knowledge about gender and work. It equips the reader with a solid understanding of where we stand on gender and work issues and what the next directions for research and assessment will be. Under the skilled leadership of editor Gary N. Powell, an outstanding group of multidisciplinary and international researchers and scholars deliver their summary and analysis of current research and their views on how gender and work intersect along a variety of societal, economic, interpersonal, and organizational paradigms.
Topics include:
* Gender gap in earnings
* Sex segregation of occupations
* Romantic relationships in organizational settings
* Stress and work
* Affirmative action
* Sexual harassment
* Mentoring
* Women as leaders
* The glass ceiling
* Women entrepreneurs
* Corporate masculinity
* Gender and ethnicity
* Gender bias in hiring and evaluating
The Handbook of Gender and Work will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and professionals interested in increasing their understanding of gender-related phenomena that occur in the workplace. Anyone seeking guidance for dealing with specific situations that arise as a result of the influence of gender, or in identifying useful directions for future, will want to own a copy of this Handbook!
The Handbook of Gender and Work provides a comprehensive overview and synthesis of the literature and knowledge about gender and work. It equips the reader with a solid understanding of where we stand on gender and work issues and what the next directions for research and assessment will be. Under the skilled leadership of editor Gary N. Powell, an outstanding group of multidisciplinary and international researchers and scholars deliver their summary and analysis of current research and their views on how gender and work intersect along a variety of societal, economic, interpersonal, and organizational paradigms.
Topics include:
* Gender gap in earnings
* Sex segregation of occupations
* Romantic relationships in organizational settings
* Stress and work
* Affirmative action
* Sexual harassment
* Mentoring
* Women as leaders
* The glass ceiling
* Women entrepreneurs
* Corporate masculinity
* Gender and ethnicity
* Gender bias in hiring and evaluating
The Handbook of Gender and Work will be an invaluable resource for students, scholars, and professionals interested in increasing their understanding of gender-related phenomena that occur in the workplace. Anyone seeking guidance for dealing with specific situations that arise as a result of the influence of gender, or in identifying useful directions for future, will want to own a copy of this Handbook!
Gary N Powell
Examining the Intersection of Gender and Work
Karen Korabik
Sex and Gender in the New Millenium
Bernardo M Ferdman
The Color and Culture of Gender in Organizations
Attending to Race and Ethnicity
Cary L Cooper and Suzan Lewis
Gender and the Changing Nature of Work
Barbara A Gutek, Bennett Cherry and Markus Groth
Gender and Service Delivery
Mark Maier
On the Gendered Substructure of Organization
Dimensions and Dilemmas of Corporate Masculinity
Patricia A Roos and Mary Lizabeth Gatta
The Gender Gap in Earnings
Trends, Explanations and Prospects
Jerry A Jacobs
The Sex Segregation of Occupations
Prospects for the 21st Century
Laura M Graves
Gender Bias in Interviewers' Evaluations of Applicants
When and How Does It Occur?
Kathryn M Bartol
Gender Influences on Performance Evaluations
Pamela S Tolbert, Mary E Graham and Alice O Andrews
Group Gender Composition and Work Group Relations
Theories, Evidence and Issues
Linda L Carli and Alice H Eagly
Gender Effects on Social Influence and Emergent Leadership
D Anthony Butterfield and James P Grinnell
`Re-Viewing' Gender, Leadership and Managerial Behavior
Do Three Decades of Research Tell Us Anything?
Nancy J Adler
Global Leaders
Women of Influence
Lynn Bowes-Sperry and Jasmine Tata
A Multiperspective Framework of Sexual Harassment
Reviewing Two Decades of Research
Gary N Powell and Sharon Foley
Romantic Relationships in Organizational Settings
Something to Talk About
Linda K Stroh and Anne H Reilly
Gender and Careers
Present Experiences and Emerging Trends
Gary N Powell
Reflections on the Glass Ceiling
Recent Trends and Future Prospects
Belle Rose Ragins
Gender and Mentoring Relationships
A Review and Research Agenda for the Next Decade
Dorothy Perrin Moore
Women Entrepreneurs
Approaching a New Millenium
Jeffrey H Greenhaus and Saroj Parasuraman
Research on Work, Family and Gender
Current Status and Future Directions
Marilyn J Davidson and Sandra Fielden
Stress and the Working Woman
Alison M Konrad and Frank Linnehan
Affirmative Action
History, Effects and Attitudes
Sharon A Lobel
Impacts of Diversity and Work-Life Initiatives in Organizations
Elizabeth A Cooper and Susan M Bosco
Methodological Issues in Conducting Research on Gender in Organizations