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Essay Writing

Essay Writing
A Student's Guide

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March 2010 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Essay Writing is a student guide with a mission: to enable students to write better essays by demystifying the essay-writing process.

In contextualizing essay writing within the larger university experience – communication, the academic culture, different learning styles and approaches and learning and teaching at university, this book helps students to study more independently, learn more meaningfully and to write first-class essays. Essay Writing explains why essays are set and demonstrates how best to approach them.

The book offers practical, in-depth guidance on each of the stages of the essay writing process - planning, drafting and editing, and relates them to the important sub-skills of information-gathering, reading academic texts, how to get the most out of lectures, referencing and citations, fluency and appropriateness of style and language. This is an easy to use, practical book designed to help students hone their essay writing skills and get the grade they deserve.

Introduction: How to Use this Book

Learning and Writing at University

Answering the Essay Question

Planning Different Types of Essay

Acquiring Information

Assessing Information Critically

Managing Information

Citing Information

Paragraphing: the Introduction and Conclusion

Paragraphing: the Body of the Essay

Making it Flow

The Finishing Touches

Writing Exam Essays




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A little long, but a valuable guide neverthess, and would be best used over an extended period of improvement in essay writing. I was pleased to see a section on essay structure, including structuring of paragraphs, which quite a few of our students find problematical. I liked too the short section giving some of the most common mistakes in use of English - I would add incomplete sentences and confusion of although/however to the list.

Mr Mike Lambert
School of Education, Wolverhampton University
March 30, 2010

An excellent guide for students new to writing essays at University

Mr David Ellicott
Gyuidance, Youth Studies & Youth Justice, Nottingham Trent University
March 22, 2010

A helpful book for students that are just starting to learn how to construct academic essays.

Mrs Sue Phillips
School of Health and Social Care, Chester University
March 11, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter One PDF