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Doing Discourse Research

Doing Discourse Research
An Introduction for Social Scientists

December 2012 | 176 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This book provides an introduction to the basic principles of discourse research and provides practical research strategies for doing discourse analyses in the social sciences. The book includes guidance on developing a research question, selecting data and analyzing it, and presenting your results. The author has extensive practical experience in the field of discourse research and shows throughout how the methods suggested are compatible with numerous research questions and problems in sociology, cultural, political and social studies and related disciplines.

The Current Relevance of Discourse Research

Collective Orders of Knowledge and Discourses

Approaches in Discourse Research
The History of the Term 'Discourse'

Discourse Analysis

Discourse Linguistics and (Corpus-based)

Critical Discourse Analysis and Kritische Diskursanalyse


Culturalist Discourse Research

Discourse Theories

Sociology of Knowledge Approach to Discourse

Further Disciplinary Developments


The Research Process


General Foundations

Doing Discourse Research
Getting Started

The Exploration of the Field of Investigation

Selection of Data

Other Data Formats and Methods

The Detailed Analysis of Data
The Situational and Material Nature of a Statement

Formal and Linguistic-Rhetorical Structure

The Interpretative Analytics of Contents

From Detailed Analysis to Overall Results
From Utterances via Statements to Discourse and Beyond

Interpretation and Presentation of Results

Concluding Remarks

A fascinating exploration into the approaches of discourse research. The inclusion of discourse research outside the English-speaking world is a truly valuable contribution that the book makes.

Mr Rory Du Plessis
Department of Visual Arts, University of Pretoria
January 24, 2013

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1