Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics
- Andy Field - University of Sussex, UK
Intermediate/Advanced Statistics | Introduction to Statistics | Introduction to Statistics | Quantitative Data Analysis | Quantitative Methods | Quantitative Research Methods in Education | Quantitative Research Methods in Education | Quantitative/Statistical Research in Business & Management | Quantitative/Statistical Research in Business & Management | Statistical Software | Statistical Software | Statistics - General Interest | Statistics in Political Science | Statistics in Psychology | Statistics in Psychology | Statistics in Social Work | Statistics in Sociology
•Flexible coverage to support students across disciplines and degree programmes
•Can support classroom or lab learning and assessment
•Analysis of real data with opportunities to practice statistical skills
•Highlights common misconceptions and errors
•A revamped online resource that uses video, case studies, datasets, testbanks and more to help students negotiate project work, master data management techniques, and apply key writing and employability skills
•Covers the range of versions of IBM SPSS Statistics©.
All the online resources above (video, case studies, datasets, testbanks) can be easily integrated into your institution's virtual learning environment or learning management system. This allows you to customize and curate content for use in module preparation, delivery and assessment.
Hosted by the author, this website contains additional materials including:
- Solutions to Smart Alex’s tasks.
- The data files and SPSS workbooks for each chapter.
- Errata
- Solutions to Labcoat Leni tasks
- Oditi’s Lantern
- Oliver Twisted’s pot of statistical gruel.
- Solutions to self-test tasks within chapters
One of the best books on Statistics, easy to understand regardless of level of study, includes basic and more advances statistics.
Great explanations and examples. Easy to follow format. Very good for referencing too.
For our master’s program, we have decided to adopt *Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (6th Edition)* as one of the essential textbooks. This book offers comprehensive, in-depth coverage of statistical techniques and demonstrates how to implement them in IBM SPSS. Its clear explanations, step-by-step examples, and engaging writing style make complex methods more accessible to students who are developing their data analysis skills. When paired with our other assigned text, this volume provides a robust foundation for mastering both fundamental and advanced quantitative techniques at the graduate level.
This is surely the most comprehensive SPSS offering on the market, and it offers delivery in an entertaining way which means that it offers a unique and valuable reading experience that cannot be obtained via new competing methods including AI.
I think this book also ties in well with 'An Adventure in Statistics' by the same author, which offers a more thorough discussion of the basics, again with the same engaging style, but without the need for any statistics software.
I teach both R and SPSS, for ease of delivery it would be good if both this book and 'Discovering Statistics using R' were in sync. I guess I am encouraging Andy Field to continue, to publish a new edition of the R book as well!
SPSS step by step procedures.
Used a previous version, great text.
After many years doing research and teaching on research methods, even if the examples in the book are not just in the field of health sciences, I have finally found a book that contains both theoretical details of statistics along with how to practically perform tests on SPSS. Something that attracted my attention was the use of colourful images and figures and even the colourful text.
This book really recommended to anyone who is going to work with SPSS and also understand why and how to use it. Thanks to the author!
Lovely text with illustrations to aid those who are using statistics in their research project. I would recommend this as it is a visually friendly text with plenty of examples. Each chapter begins with "what will this chapter tell me" to give a quick summary of what will be covered. There are also self-tests at the end of each chapter to test knowledge.
I didn't receive the book