Criminal Conduct and Substance Abuse Treatment for Adolescents: Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change
The Provider's Guide
- Harvey B. Milkman - Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA
- Kenneth W. Wanberg - Center for Addictions Research and Evaluation - CARE, Arvada, Colorado
This Provider's Guide introduces a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate treatment program, Pathways for Self-Discovery and Change (PSDC), which provides the specific tools necessary for improving evaluation and treatment of at-risk youth, a particularly vulnerable patient population in the justice system. Using an adolescent-focused format, this protocol identifies psychological, biological, and social factors that contribute to the onset of adolescent deviance, and establishes guidelines for delivery of a 32-session treatment curriculum designed to rehabilitate both male and female adolescents with co-occurring substance abuse and criminal conduct.
Now in its Second Edition, this guide provides treatment practitioners, program evaluators, and youth services administrators with the most up to date, comprehensive, and accessible information for the treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile justice clients. It is built on theoretical and research advances in the treatment and rehabilitation of juvenile justice clients, as well as feedback over the past seven years from PSDC counselees, treatment providers, and program administrators.
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"Milkman and Wanberg's program rests upon the best that science has to offer. Once this workbook stimulates change, it pays attention to the principles of relapse prevention that will help young people stay changed - and this is the litmus test for any treatment program that targets behavioral problems."
"Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change is the most comprehensive and thoughtful program we have seen to help at-risk youth gain freedom from crime and drugs and develop attitudes and skills to lead productive prosocial lives."
"This exceptional and widely needed program shows great promise as a developmentally appropriate treatment model for adolescents who manifest co-occurring disturbances with substance abuse and criminal activity. It is uniquely designed to interest and engage high-risk teenagers in a thoughtful array of cognitive-behavioral restructuring exercises that are geared to promote fulfilling and responsible life choices."