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Engineering & Materials Science

SAGE is an international, leading publisher of 70 titles in Engineering, Materials Science and Computing. The collection includes the 18 journals of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers alongside other essential research from a diverse range of subjects including rehabilitation and assistive technologies, mechanical engineering and polymer materials. The collection now features the leading open access journal in its field, Advances in Mechanical Engineering.

Publishing Program for Societies and Associations

Maximized Financial Return

Our expertise lies in seeking out and fully realizing potential revenue streams for our society partners. We aggressively develop commercial sales opportunities (primarily for our scientific and medical journals), including advertising, supplements, sponsorships, reprints, and translations. In addition, we focus on increasing revenues from subscriptions, consortia sales, and licensing. We can enhance your journal’s revenue flow while creating additional visibility for your journal content and your organization.

Librarian Resource Center

Librarians and information professionals are an integral part of the academic community, and a key partner of Sage. Together, we are committed to navigating the challenges of our changing scholarly landscape to ensure that we best support the scholarship of the future.

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Book Author/Editors

Join the Sage Family

Book Author/Editors image

As a leading international publisher of books, journals and electronic media, we work closely with authors and editors to produce the most outstanding works in the fields in which we publish.

Consortia Subscriptions

Offerings from Sage for Library Consortia

In response to research and feedback from our market, including discussions with the library community, Sage has expanded its offerings to consortia customers. We now provide all of the following purchase options to library consortia. 
