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387 Results Found for "SO0"


How can peers, parents, schools and new media stop bullying?

Los Angeles, CA- A new review of research out today outlines roles and recommendations for peers, parents, schools and new media platforms  to stop bullying. This review was published in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS) journal published in partnership with SAGE Publishing.

How can medical centers transform their patient safety culture?

Though healthcare is not without risks or error, hospital employees can support a culture of patient safety by identifying, reporting, and learning from medical mistakes that have or could have harmed patients. In a new study, a training program focusing on team communication, leadership, and decision-making practices, known as Crew Resource Management (CRM), was found to improve perceptions of the safety culture by 8% over the course of two years. This study, the largest of its kind, is out today in the American Journal of Medical Quality from SAGE Publishing.

Promote Your Article

Do you want to promote your article, drive downloads and increase citations? These helpful tips will steer you in the right direction. 

Using Social Media 

Increasingly, a variety of different online platforms are being used as places to discover, and engage with, research. With 350,000 tweets being produced every minute and over two billion people on Facebook consuming 500 years of video every day, online social platforms are an incredibly powerful tool to get your research seen and heard. 

Stress Busters

stress awareness month #teacher5aday teacher retention teacher workload

Unfortunately there isn’t one simple solution to reducing stress in your life. Controlling stress is a ‘work in progress’ for which you need to take regular action. 
