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92 Results Found for "Family Studies"


SAGE Publishing releases encyclopedia in the advancing field of intellectual and developmental disabilities

How can advances in genetics, brain imaging, treatments, and assessment reduce the stigma associated with intellectual and developmental disorders? How does this research further our understanding of these disorders, giving rise to possible treatment and policy options? SAGE Publishing announces the release of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Intellectual and Developmental Disorders to investigate these issues and more.

How to spot fake news and avoid bias – your guide to better (Critical) Thinking

London, UK. How can we make the most of the resources at our fingertips while retaining a sense of control and understanding? How, moreover, can we make the most of the human capacity for reasoning and creativity in an age where technologies like big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are encroaching on areas of expertise?

Study reveals proven ways to improve doctor-patient communication

A hospital-wide communication training program, outlining best practices for doctors to follow in interactions with patients, improved patients’ perception of doctor communication by 9 percent, according to new research. Out today in the American Journal of Medical Quality (SAGE Publishing journal), the study details the largest known experiment of its kind and describes training that can easily be implemented at other hospitals and institutions.

Study recommends 3 policies to improve children’s language development

Bilingual children from low-income homes are at greater risk of falling behind their peers in developing the appropriate language skills for their age group, leading to poorer academic achievement over time. A new article addresses how inequality impacts children’s language development and details policies that can intervene. This research is out today in Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences, a Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences (FABBS) journal published in partnership with SAGE Publishing.

How free are different countries in the world? Historical Guide to World Media Freedom: A Country-by-Country Analysis

Washington, DC - One important way to measure liberty is how free a citizen is to criticize his government—whether through the traditional print and broadcast news or the more modern social media. How much the news is censored is also a measurable indicator. Comparing media freedom throughout history and country by country is the new Historical Guide to World Media Freedom: A Country-by-Country Analysis, published by CQ Press.

Essential perspective on global history now available

Adam Matthew Completes Publication of the ‘Church Missionary Society Periodicals’ Covering Two Hundred Years of World History

(Marlborough, England). Adam Matthew, a global provider of digital primary source content, has today announced the publication of the second and final module of Church Missionary Society Periodicals - ‘Medical Journals, Asian Missions and the Historical Record, 1816-1986’.
