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931 Results Found for "CAN"


How much should be taxed and where should it be spent? Find out in Guide to U.S. Economic Policy

Washington, DC - Imagine living in North Korea or Cuba, where 90% of your earnings are taxed to pay for luxurious presidential palaces and lavish parties while you barely survive. How much a government takes from its citizens, and what that money is spent on, makes up a country’s economic policy. How has the United States determined its own economic policy through history? How has that changing policy through the years affected our standard of living? The new Guide to U.S. Economic Policy, published by CQ Press, answers these questions.

SAGE announces pilot partnerships with Publons

Leading academic and independent publisher SAGE, established a pilot partnership with Publon, new company aiming to speed up science by making peer review faster, more efficient and more effective

London – SAGE, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers, has today announced a new pilot partnership with Publons, a new company working with reviewers, publishers, universities and funding agencies to turn peer review into a measureable research output.

Making the Most of Your Editorial Board

Editorial boards are an essential and valuable resource for journals, but members typically have other responsibilities and often sit on the editorial boards of competing journals. How do you make sure you are using your board effectively?

The Benefits of Publishing with SAGE

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At SAGE, we recognize that our authors and editors are among our most important assets, and we are committed to developing strong and flexible partnerships which offers the following benefits:

Energiewende in the Alps: Switzerland's transition away from nuclear

Chicago - Switzerland has a long history of trying to be as self-sufficient and energy independent as possible. Although its energy supply system has served it well in the past, the country is now looking to turn away from its reliance on nuclear power and seeks to compensate for the energy lost from hydropower as a result of climate change.

Truth is in danger as new techniques used to stop journalists covering the news, says special report

London, UK. The truth is being suppressed across the world using a variety of methods, according to a special report in the 250th issue of Index on Censorship magazine.

Physical violence is not the only method being used to stop news being published, says editor Rachael Jolley in the Danger in Truth: Truth in Danger report. As well as kidnapping and murders, financial pressure and defamation legislation is being used, the report reveals.

#Hookahlife: Social media posts spread misleading information on hookah use

A new study finds that Instagram users using #hookah or #shisha portray hookah use in an overwhelmingly positive manner, despite its serious health risks. Published in Health Education & Behavior, the study authors examined nearly 300 Instagram posts and found that the portrayal and promotion of hookah smoking on social media can normalize its use and pose public health challenges.
