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The system that allows patients rapid access to expensive new treatments lacks transparency and penalises small and low-income countries unable to negotiate lower prices with pharmaceutical manufacturers.
Despite enormous investment in Iraq’s health system in the 10 years since the US-led invasion, the health condition of Iraqis has deteriorated and will fail to improve unless more is done to improve living conditions.
Community colleges have become essential in the training of frontline health care professionals, yet little research studies their growth. A new study examines surveys of community college leaders and finds that community colleges must create close connections with community partners in order to provide successful training and employment opportunities for their public health students.
SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce an agreement with Ohio’s statewide academic library consortium, the Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK), to provide its 121 colleges, universities, and other member institutions with access to two online data resources as part of a multi-year journals renewal: SAGE Stats and imprint CQ Press’s US Political Stats.
Community college students who borrow up to $1,999 in student loans during their first two years of community college complete 17% fewer academic credits in that same time period than their peers who take out $2,000 to $3,999 in loans or do not take out any loans at all. This finding and more were published in a new study out today in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (a SAGE Publishing journal).
Sports news shows cover women’s sports in a dull, lackluster manner, making women’s sports seem less exciting and entertaining than men’s, according to the latest research in a study spanning 25 years. Based on its latest iteration in 2014, the study finds that sexist coverage of women’s sports is often subtle, and therefore difficult to challenge. The study is out today in Gender & Society, a SAGE Publishing journal.
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Program Student Learning Outcomes
Program Student Learning Outcomes