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London, UK. SAGE Publishing today announces that it is to begin publishing the British Journal of Music Therapy the flagship journal of the British Association for Music Therapy, the professional body for music therapy in the UK.
Leadership: Theory and Practice by Peter G. Northouse has won a 2016 William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award ("McGuffey") from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). A SAGE Publishing text since 1997, Leadership: Theory and Practice is now in its seventh edition.
London, UK. Leaving work at the office and home at the door may not always be the best strategy for employee well-being and performance, finds a new study published in the journal Human Relations by SAGE Publishing in partnership with The Tavistock Institute.
London, UK. The annual ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize is an opportunity to recognise and reward researchers whose work has made a real difference to society or the economy.
The prize is awarded to ESRC-funded social science researchers who have achieved impact through outstanding research, collaborative partnerships, engagement or knowledge exchange activities.
London, UK. Following the decision by NHS England to not make pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) available to HIV-negative persons in England at risk of acquiring HIV, Dr Michael Brady, Medical Director of the Terrence Higgins Trust, in an editorial published today in the SAGE journal Therapeutic Advances in Chronic Disease responds and outlines how:
“PrEP is undoubtedly an essential addition to our approach to combination HIV prevention and needs to be available now.”
Despite recent advancements, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals continue to face discrimination and other challenges related to school experiences, family formation, aging, and more. Examining these issues and the impact that political and societal forces have on the lives of LGBTQ individuals, The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies launches today as a three-volume set.
What are the civic, social, and economic issues facing American cities? How much control do the cities have over these issues? Launching today, The CQ Press Guide to Urban Politics and Policy in the United States examines cities as centers for political activity in the past, present, and future.
London, UK. SAGE Publishing, a leading independent and academic publisher, today announced the launch of three new exclusive SAGE Video collections: Business and Management, Politics and International Relations and Psychology.
London, UK (July 12, 2016). Democracy is under grave threat and with that the prospect of a better world for all, argues Philip Kotler in his latest book Democracy in Decline: Rebuilding its Future, publishing with SAGE Publishing later this month. Voting systems are flawed, fewer people vote, major corporations fund campaigns and as political parties battle it out, the real changes needed don’t occur.
SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent academic and professional publishers, today reported continued strong performance and growth across its journals portfolio in the Journal Citation Reports (Source: 2015 Web of Science Data).