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Assessment & Intervention in Social Work

Assessment & Intervention in Social Work
Preparing for Practice

December 2010 | 176 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Chris Beckett's new book on assessment and intervention in social work practice covers the core topics for qualifying social work students. Assessment & Intervention in Social Work provides a thorough understanding of the issues and skills essential for effective practice. Each of the nine chapters defines a key concept, including Assessment; Intervention; Risk and Efficacy. Case studies and 'practice questions' throughout make the connections between theory and practice explicit. Suggestions as to further reading are made at the end of each chapter.

This important book is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate social work students throughout all three years of their training, but it will be particularly useful for students who are on placement, or who are reflecting on their experiences on placement. It is also a useful resource for practice teachers who need a framework for discussing practice with students they supervise on placement.


This book provides an interesting insight into the key issues facing social work practitioners involved in assessment. In particular I liked the approaches to thresholds and the competing issues which social workers face when assessing and intervening in the private life of individuals. Overall an accessible read and a book which achieves its goal of being easy to read from cover to cover or as individual chapters. Its readablity makes it a particularly good text for students or front line practitioners wanting to reflect on and improve their practice.

Dr Ann Hodson
Department of Social Work, Dundee University
December 15, 2010

Chris Beckett is always a good read and will undoubtedly be accessible to the students who are finding assessment abstract at the moment.

Ms Noreen Maguinness
Health and Social Care, Chester University
December 14, 2010

An ideal book for Social Workers returning to the profession, after a period out of practice. It compliments the teaching, and supports the shadowing placement element of the course.

Mr Dave Mason
Faculty of Health, Staffordshire University
December 14, 2010

A useful practical approach.

Ms Barbara Coulson
Social Work, Nottingham Trent University
December 13, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters
